Advising God?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways! For who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice? And who has given him so much that he needs to pay it back? For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭11‬:‭33‬-‭36‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul has laid down the long and intense history of how God chose and used Israel to be his own. The Jews were known as the people of God. He led them, blessed them, disciplined them and loved them. Paul makes the point very clear – God is not finished with them. Paul also segues into another fact, God’s intention all along was to bring salvation to the whole world through the Jewish people. This baffled the Jews and pleasantly surprised the Gentiles (non-Jew).

In this discussion, it becomes clear that God has plans and ways that are not just mysterious to us, they don’t make sense at all. I don’t know if you have ever thought about someone else’s decision processes as bad or wrong, but many times we think, “I would not do it that way!” In a puny, Pauline way, he writes, “who knows God’s thoughts?” Or, “who advices God?” Just the thought that God might OWE US for some plan or brilliant idea is ludicrous!

Paul makes this amazing, declarative statement that may bristle and bruise our own fierce human pride, “EVERYTHING that comes from God and exists from his power is intended for his glory!” It is all about God, it always has been, always will be. Just the fact that God has not only decided to create us and love us, to be in a relationship with him; but also, that he has included us, and wants us to engage in his plans is a mind-blowing, mercy-filled idea!

As humans, we can cry, whine, complain or threaten God, but it won’t change who he is or how he works among us. Contrarily, we can also laugh, celebrate and cooperate with him, which still won’t change God, but it will change us. Of course we make the mistake, thinking it IS about us, that we (or I) am the center of the universe, but that is far from the truth. I can understand that when I think about God’s love towards me, I can misunderstand and believe it is about me – but it’s not. It’s about God.

Here’s the real mystery, God designed humans to be fierce, independent, creative and even domineering! Sin has made us take those characteristics and push them to the extreme, making it all about us and keeping those qualities all to ourselves. However, when we submit to God’s grace and receive his forgiveness, it brings us back to his own character of grit, determination, inventive, interdependence and even powerful under his authority. Instead of consuming those traits unto ourselves, we use them to serve, love and protect those who are weak and struggling, those who don’t see God or know him. We become agents of grace to those who do not feel powerful or valued. Of course it’s a choice, God’s will, God’s way or our will, our way? One leads to life, the other death. For me, I’m just not qualified to advise God and for sure I’m not going to be shaking my little fist at him as I slip into the abyss, permanently separated from him! No, I plan to trust and obey – there just is no other way.


After reading Paul’s words and understanding his point (your truth), I just feel like I must be the most selfish person in the world. Even for one second to think that I know better about running my own life, someone else’s or (big laugh) the world itself. It is so important to keep the perspective of who you are and what you want to accomplish in this world. I choose to submit! I choose to bow and come under your authority and your grace. I bend my heart and knee before you! Your will, your way Oh God!

What makes an enemy of God?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The Lord is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and rage. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and continues to rage against his enemies! The Lord is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet.” ‭‭Nahum‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This little minor prophet book, Nahum, is about Nineveh. “This message concerning Nineveh came as a vision to Nahum, who lived in Elkosh.” Nineveh may not have attracted the same kind of attention as Sodom or Gomorrah, but it’s memorable because of another man (Jonah) that God called to go to the city and tell them to repent and be spared. Yep, Ol’ Jonah and his circuitous journey to warn the people of Nineveh of God’s impending judgment.

What was so evil about Nineveh? Why did the city show up on God’s radar as an enemy? The city was the first major empire and it was enormous and powerful. It’s walls stretched for miles and it had numerous gates with massive stone animal figures depicting its fierceness. Were they an enemy because they were powerful? Were they the enemy because they attacked Israel and caused massive loss? It really wasn’t about size or evil influence, it was likely because of the Assyrian reputation of excessive brutality and inhuman treatment of their enemies. There are records indicating their horrible torture of people, much of it wasn’t a show of force, but rather for pure entertainment. They were known to burn boys and girls alive and torture adults, tearing the skin from their bodies, pulling out fingernails and leaving them to die in the scorching sun! These are not Biblical references, they are historical ones. Plus, they city-vibe was filled with a “do whatever feels good” attitude. Sodomy, sexual perversions and pleasure were considered to be the perks of living in such a powerful city. The combination of all those became the reason they were enemies of God.

Nahum writes about God’s display of power over all creation using storms as an example. We know that there are plenty of ways that God can use nature’s fury to change the course of human history. Does that mean that God is responsible for all of nature’s outbursts? I don’t think so. There are many that believe that our own sin causes everything from mosquitoes to monsoons.

I do know this; God’s ways are perfect and meant to be for our own good. Plus the fact that God’s ways are just, right and true whether we believe or agree with them at all. Am I just crazy here or does it seem that God is MORE enraged with the way our “freedoms,” “choices,” or sin effects others rather than just offending His righteousness? I mean 3 out of 7 of the big 10 are dealing with God Himself! The 7 are about us and our relationships to others. Rest is for us. Honor is for our family. Murder, adultery, stealing, lying and wanton desire and comparison towards other stuff – these are all human interactions with each other! When allowing or promoting the seven means the complete breakdown of society, who in the world considers those freedoms or should have inherent legal rights to do them?

Nineveh wasn’t just judged for its arrogance, nor just its perversions, it was also judged for its unjust atrocities towards the innocent, the weak, the outlier. Sennacherib’s hubris advancement wasn’t just to build the greatest city in the world. It was to be a god among men. The one true God just wasn’t going to allow that story to continue.


It still blows my mind that there were (and are) men and women who have the cojones to take you on in a battle of wits and wills. And that for us who are just common sinners, Paul’s words echo in my head, “while we were yet sinners…” enemies of your ways, Christ died for us. Thank you.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

“I, Wisdom, live together with good judgment. I know where to discover knowledge and discernment. All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech. Common sense and success belong to me. Insight and strength are mine.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭12‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The New Living Translation says that wisdom and good judgment are roommates. In Hebrew, the wisdom writer actually list three roomies with wisdom: ormah: craftiness, daath: knowledge and mezimmah: discretion. The root word of daath is yada, or know. Who knew, when George’s new girlfriend Marcy, from the Seinfeld show, kept saying yada, yada, yada, she was speaking some Hebraic slang… “ya know, ya know, ya know.”

As the personified Jesus in the Old Testament, wisdom loves hanging out with three character traits of witty, smart and socially intelligent people. What a group of friends that makes, right? However, the writer also seem to make the point that, not only does that God hate evil, but there is a reason for doing so. Evil erodes good. Evil sucks the vibrant, authentic life out of the soul and leaves these hollowed out expressions behind. Shocker! Look at what’s left when evil has its way with us – pride, arrogance, corruption and perverse speech!

Wow. Pride is a false puffer, the rising of our fake self. Arrogance is our “self-made” projection, like we made it all on our own, everyone else is our pawn. And our perverse speech is a mastery of speaking in a way that “turns” or twists our words to hide the fact that we are a fraud. Whew. Evil guts us and leaves our soul with ugly, selfish qualities.

Turning from evil to wisdom means we choose to hangout with these amazing roommates listed in this Proverb. The Apostle Paul wrote, “bad company corrupts good morals.” 1 Cor. 15:33. Having wisdom as a friend means that one has access to her advice. Because Wisdom is really that good, her advice is sound, solid and successful! Wisdom owns these qualities and shares them freely to those who walk with her.


If we just learned from mistakes and missteps, things would be a whole lot easier to do right. We would benefit and so would everyone around us. The problem is I love doing things my own way and I come to think of myself as so independently smart. And, I also love taking shortcuts! What a mess I make of things. The ways of wisdom, which is the way of Jesus, not only requires humility but also submission. And it’s a slow process, nothing like my quick-fix shortcuts that fail every time. I want wisdom as a friend. I want to hangout with her friends, witty, smart and socially intelligent. I could use all the help I can get. Thank You!

God hates?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭6‬:‭16‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I think everyone hates these qualities and behaviors in humans. In a world that celebrates what is wrong and aggressively, verbally shames what is right, there are still a few things we all agree are bad: Arrogance, lies, murder, scheming, serial crimes, betrayal, and chaos. These things, Proverbs says, God hates.

In an odd fascination, many are entertained by these behaviors making the twisted plots of podcasts the most popular genre. The Idaho murders, the Murdock trial are just examples of America’s lust for gruesome reality. But we all still think it’s wrong.

I know God thinks they are wrong, but why would our progressive, “enlightened” culture think they are wrong? Aren’t these people just expressing their true self, living their best life? Shouldn’t the proud be paid handsomely and worshipped for their confidence? Shouldn’t liars, murderers and betrayers just be given the freedom to do their thing, even if it’s authentically evil? Seems kind of progressively judgey and hypocritical doesn’t it? If it’s a right to murder infants, why isn’t it a right to murder adults? (oh, but it is under certain circumstances. And I don’t mean the death penalty).

First of all, I believe God sets the rules because he created us. But also, this list of things God hates and thankfully, culture still frowns upon, is absolutely catastrophic in our relationships! Every one of these behaviors destroys the binds of trust necessary to have a thriving relationship. The arrogant cares only about themselves – not you. The liar, the swindler/schemer only wants your money, love or alibi. That disruptive family member is living off the emotional rush of negative environments like anger, friction and discord. These behaviors are hated because you can’t build a life, relationship or community on them!

You think you feel lonely now. Wait until this list of wrongs aren’t just seen as entertainment, they are expected to be the new rules for living! Can’t you see where this is all heading? Can’t you see that we can’t be trusted to determine our own destiny, setting our own rules? The New Testament writers warned of this kind of environment towards the end, when this world winds down and God brings it to an end. The end of this world means that we will be begging God for justice and the creation of a new heaven and new earth.


I do not like the intensity of living in an upside down world, where wrong it right and right is wrong. It’s not just confusing and frustrating, it’s divisive and dangerous. I long for both your mercy and your justice, even judgement, to make all things right. I also hate the things you hate. I also hate seeing any those qualities bouncing around in my mind even if I never plan on acting on them. I agree with you when you tell us the heart is desperately wicked, who can know it? Only you know and judge perfectly, rightfully. For that I am thankful.

The whore and the holy

Reading Time: 5 minutes

​Oh boy! I just love these real life examples of Jesus’ interactions with both the highest and lowest people on the social ladder at that time. I have so many questions as I read this story.

“One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to have dinner with him, so Jesus went to his home and sat down to eat. When a certain immoral woman from that city heard he was eating there, she brought a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume. Then she knelt behind him at his feet, weeping. Her tears fell on his feet, and she wiped them off with her hair. Then she kept kissing his feet and putting perfume on them.” Luke‬ ‭7:36-38‬ ‭NLT‬‬

At first, there are no names mentioned, “one” of the Pharisees and a “certain” immoral woman from the city. Where exactly do Pharisee’s live? Since they are relatively separatists, my guess is that they lived uptown somewhere, away from the chaos of the town. And, I imagine that this Pharisee was surrounded by fellow religious leaders that made up his neighborhood. A place where privilege provided privacy. Where it was safe, egos were fed and status was earned by seemingly clean, holy living. There were no sinners there, only saints.

Where did the city-girl live? With her kind, her people. She lived and worked where the greatest concentration of traffic and opportunity would be. Where she could eek out a living, be herself, not be judged and have a certain kind of freedom of invisibility. Her neighborhood may have carried a label like Red-district, Bourbon Street or Crack Alley. Her neighborhood was where people go to purposely get lost, or lose themselves in addictions and pleasures. A place where people were quite comfortable making transactions for a moment of position, pleasure, or pain – searching, aching for peace and anything to escape their mundane lives. I doubt neither the religious leader nor the immoral woman spent much time in each other’s neighborhood.

Ah, but Jesus felt at home in both neighborhoods. He probably hated the stench of one and grieved the sight of the other, but his love compelled him to look beyond the facades of stereotypes and labels to find his mark, his mission – the human heart.

The city-girl, out of some bold desperation could not wait for Jesus to come back through her part of town, that day she decided to make her move towards life itself. She must have heard, she must have seen the kinds of things this rabbi had done. She must have felt that she could risk everything to not just get out of the hood, but out of a lifestyle that was killing her – eating away and stealing every small morsel of moral fiber she had left. This desire drove her to go uptown, to walk the cold quiet streets of glaring eyes and the invisible cloud of judgment and shame to get to the rabbi-Jesus. And with her she clutched her most prized and protected possession. She brought with her escape plan, her nest egg, her only lifeline to a possible retirement from the hell-hole from which she was either born into or chose to make a living. Bringing her alabaster jar appears to be her statement saying, “I’m never going back.” Maybe she didn’t know what she would do with her expensive retirement plan when she, if she, actually met Jesus. Maybe she was planning to pay her way into his group. Maybe she was going to give it to Jesus thus paying for her sin and hopefully the transaction would free her from a life of pain or guilt. But when she arrived at Simon’s complex and saw Jesus reclining, relaxed, possibly smiling, literally being the LIFE of the party, something overwhelmed her.

She looked at Jesus dirty feet and knew what she had to do. She decided she would go all in and use her life savings to clean the master’s feet. She didn’t care who saw her. She didn’t care what anyone in the room thought. She served the rabbi with the only things she owned, her tears, her hair as a towel and her ointment as a way to seal and heal Jesus, now clean but rough feet. And Jesus let her do it! We forget, there was so much tension in that room. It must have vacated the air, time must have slowed to a crawl and everyone one else’s brain went into shock. I’m am positive that eyes were wide, dialated and mouths were gaping open. No one could move. No words could come out of their mouths because their vocal cords were also frozen.

But Simon’s and the others thoughts were written all over their faces. It was the only thought their tiny, tightly-wound, religious minds could think – IF JESUS KNEW… Bah ha ha. If Jesus knew? Are you kidding me. IF Jesus knew? EVERYONE knew who this woman was. Her clothing, her mannerisms, her gender – oh my goodness. If Jesus knew! That is hilarious. Then Jesus speaks. What is he going to say? Jesus had 100% attention in the room. EVERYONE was absolutely captivated by this dramatic, cliff-hanging curiosity of what would happen next. It wasn’t WWJD, what would Jesus do it was WWJS, what would Jesus say?

Jesus tells Simon he has something to say. Remember Luke tells us that Jesus answered Simon’s thoughts, but Simon did not know he’d been read like a cartoon strip! I always wondered, was this Jesus’ human, gifted ability to read the room or was this a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit giving Jesus the unspoken thoughts of humans? I like to think maybe it was both! Either way, it’s important to remember Jesus did not do anything that he didn’t fully expect his followers to do as well. We can’t keep using the, “yeah, but he’s God” excuse to dodge both the gift and the responsibility of all those who believe and follow Jesus.

Then Jesus tells a story that lowers Simon’s pride and elevates God’s grace. Who has greater love? The one with the greater debt! Powerful. Especially because Simon and all the other religious leaders in the room had a wrong perspective in their heads. They believed they had zero debt to God, they were perfect because they kept most of the law. I’m fact, they believed that God owed them! What about the woman? I love the fact that Jesus never winked at, minimized or excused the woman’s own sin. That would have been dishonest and insulting to her.

Jesus said, her sins “and they are many…” have been forgiven. Done. Complete. In the past. Why? Because she cried? Because she served? Because she spent her future to care for Jesus calloused feet? No, because in her act of service she gave Jesus everything! Her repentance was in her tears, her love was in her hair, now becoming a dirty towel, and her salve/lotion gift of generosity was proof of her changed heart. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

If anyone wants to see how God looks at our human sin coming to him in brokenness, this is the picture. If anyone wants to see what makes God sick to his stomach just look at the human pride assuming that God won’t come near to those who are broken. The paradox of Simon’s sin to look down on another compared to this woman’s salvation to look up to God in repentance is stunningly clear!



Oh let me never ever forget from where I have come and from who I have come from. Help me to never look down with judgment and arrogance on a life that is not only different than mine, but much more complicated than mine. Help me to be an broker of hope, generous in grace and approachable because of your joy and peace.