God chooses outliers.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Just to be transparent. These exact verses came up a year ago, but I have recently been in a sermon series called, “Stepping into God’s Story,” so I’ve been marinating in Abram’s call all week. I’m copying over some discoveries from my notes, because it is absolutely fascinating to see how God chooses and who He chooses to allow them to partner with Him to save humanity. Here’s what we know about Abram…

▫️His dad was an idol worshiper. The Bible confirms that his father, Terah, was an idolater, worshiping other gods (Joshua 24:2)
▫️ He was considered to be a pagan, a non-God or multi-god believer.
▫️ God pursues him, speaking to him, promises are made.
▫️ At 75 years old – he listens, believes, and obeys God.
▫️ Abram was wealthy.
▫️ Sarai was stunningly beautiful, but barren, she could not have children.

And even though God reminds Abram several times that He will keep His promises, Abram still has a lot of questions. He BELIEVES, but tries to figure out how the promise could be fulfilled because he and Sarai were barren and old! Abram asks God how it will happen!

Maybe you were taught or believed that you could not ask God questions. Maybe you were taught that questions equal doubt or disbelief. I am here to tell you – that’s just not true. Here we have the most famous, ancient patriarch of Judaism asking God a lot of questions! Now, I realize, God did not answer him with specifics, but continued to reinforce His promise and His ability to fulfill that promise. It’s almost a comical dance that takes place when Abram asks about his future kids, God says “look at the stars, count them – that’s how many kids you’ll have.” God didn’t give details He gave an object lesson in truth and trust! Isn’t that beautifully FRUSTRATING! We want details, God just says, “TRUST ME.” Faith over form! Let God handle the details. Thats hard for us as “checklist,” scheduled, calendared people! We want to control the details and the timeline, but that is not our job. Our job is to believe and obey!

Abram and Sarai get themselves in the biggest mess by trying to circumvent or help God with His plans! Sarai gets weary of waiting, gives up on God’s plan, and makes her own. She convinces Abram to use their slave girl as a surrogate to produce an heir. The Ishmael/Isaac story is one of the most famous feudal fiascos of all time! And, we are STILL paying the price for that decision thousands of years ago.

A couple of things we can learn from all this: 1. God often chooses the least likely people to accomplish His purposes. Maybe God is calling you to listen, obey and follow, no matter where He leads. 2. God makes and keeps His promises. Through the Holy Spirit, God wants us to listen for His voice, His leading. God wants us to believe and have faith in Him. God wants us to obey and follow him, even if no one else does.


As I read Your living Word, sometimes I have to remind myself that life is, or can be, very simple. By listening, believing and obeying – it becomes so uncomplicated. Not easy, but simple. Faith is difficult but also very freeing. Looking back on my life I know this to be true because you chose me – the outlier, the underdog, the underperforming nobody. This alone brings gratefulness and joy. It brings a humble confidence, not at all in myself, but in you. It also has me convinced, if you can do this wondrous work in my life, you can do it through anyone! It has not been easy, but it has been good, because you are good. Amen.

The Promise.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

”When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty.’ Serve me faithfully and live a blameless life. I will make a covenant with you, by which I will guarantee to give you countless descendants.” At this, Abram fell face down on the ground. Then God said to him, “This is my covenant with you: I will make you the father of a multitude of nations! What’s more, I am changing your name. It will no longer be Abram. Instead, you will be called Abraham, for you will be the father of many nations. I will make you extremely fruitful. Your descendants will become many nations, and kings will be among them!“ ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭17‬:‭1‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Nothing captures the depth and breadth of God’s promise keeping ability like the story of Abraham. I am a huge fan of quality shows and movies and one of the best depictions of Abram & Sarai’s story is the 2023 movie, His Only Son. David Helling wrote and directed this little project for the ultra-low price of $250K. It showed in theaters and made over 13 million dollars worldwide! Sure, there are critics of this film’s slow pace, minimal dialogue and small cast. However, the movie captures the environment of ancient Israel, and it was shot in the Mojave Desert, California! Here’s the point that think Helling made crystal clear – for God to physically, audibly, supernaturally, connect with a human being and make a contract of such magnitude is mind-blowing!

This is Yhvh, Yahweh himself, telling Abram He is El Shadday, Almighty God! And Yahweh doesn’t just tell Abram about this contract, this promise, this covenant. Yahweh goes so much further than just making or “cutting” a contract with a human being. In ancient days, a contract between two men was “cut,” by taking a knife to the thigh or arm making a blood covenant or blood bond. You can see the idea, by what we would know as becoming “blood brothers.” When there is a familia bond of blood, there is no breaking it.

But how does one “cut” the thigh of God? There was another way to make a blood covenant, which was just as effective as cutting one’s own flesh. It was the cutting of an animal and using their blood as the substitute for your own. If you’re thinking what I was thinking, it would be, “wouldn’t it be easy to break this ‘substitute’ blood bond?” I mean it’s just the life of an animal. The answer is horrific!

You see when this kind of contract is made with a substitutionary animal there is a caveat. The two contractual parties would mercifully kill the animal, then cut the animal in two, laying each half on either side of a sloped ravine, where the blood of the animal would run and pool in the middle. Then each party would walk through the blood, barefoot, having the blood splash onto their clothing. Here’s the serious part. When this physical, blood walk was done it was understood that if either party BROKE the contract, the blood covenant, the other party could rightfully take the life of the promise-breaker by physically doing to them what they had done to the animal! Can you believe this! Both parties took the blood walk.

Now you know why most ancient contracts were done by cutting a small incision on the thigh or arm! This substitutionary animal contract was expensive, time consuming and very serious! This kind of contract would normally be saved for major contracts between nations over land or joining their tribes together. Here’s the thing, God made the animal sacrifice contract with Abram! And God didn’t just do this with one animal, he had Abram choose five animals! Five animals representing a sacrifice from the most expensive (the heifer), which the wealthy could afford, to the least expensive (pigeon), which the poor could afford. God himself mercy-killed the animals and cut them in half (except for the two birds). Genesis 15:9-18 gives the whole account. After all the animals were laid out, Abram did not walk through the blood pact, committing to the contract. The most shocking part, God himself blood-walked the covenant! Whoa.

Here in this chapter, God asked Abram to take his people, his men and have them “cut” a covenant as well. We know it as circumcision. All of this is amazing when you see the full picture of God’s story, His plan and promises being fulfilled over thousand of years of human history. But you know what? The promise to Abram, later, Abraham was also to all who would follow, even Gentiles (Non Jews). How? These people would not take a blood-walk, not make the substitute animal promise, but would eventually have faith that Jesus was that one who fulfilled our inability to keep the contract with God, He became the blood sacrifice, not a temporary one, like with animals, but the final, eternal one to fulfill the contract that we broke. And according to the covenant rules, Jesus what not just die, but also give his blood as the payment. What should have been done to each of us, was done to Him.

How can this be? What does it require from us today? The same thing God required of Abraham – FAITH. Faith to believe. Genesis 15:6, “Abram believed in the LORD and He counted it to him as righteousness.” The Apostle Paul echos this in Romans 4:20-24. So it is with us as well, “God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.”


What can I say? What can I do? But offer this heart, Oh God, completely to you. That song by Hillsong is true. I am eternally grateful for the fulfilled contract through Jesus and the fulfilled promise of life with you here and for eternity! Amen.

God makes a deal.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Mount Sinai. The Lord did not make this covenant with our ancestors, but with all of us who are alive today. At the mountain the Lord spoke to you face to face from the heart of the fire. I stood as an intermediary between you and the Lord, for you were afraid of the fire and did not want to approach the mountain. He spoke to me, and I passed his words on to you.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭5‬:‭2‬-‭5‬a NLT‬‬

Moses calls the people of Israel, now free from Egyptian slavery to listen to the deal God wants to make with them. This deal is unprecedented! There has never been a deal like this made between any other god and humankind. The ancient gods only made deals where they were the takers, the receivers. They made the rules for people to benefit them and no one else. A deal with those gods were all about them, not us. Yahweh God was different. His decrees and regulations were all to benefit humanity. The first four were about keeping the relationship with him, much like a marital contract. Even the sabbath rest was demanded for our own good and called for a weekly investment into a relationship with Him. The other six were given to protect and uphold the sanctity of human relationships. Starting with parents and working through the normal breaches and breakdowns of relationships – murder, betrayal, theft, lies, and coveting or desiring someone else’s belongings. These are still the big five of relational failures.

Moses announced this covenant, this promise or agreement between God and His chosen people. These stipulations would fulfill God’s promise to Abraham and as Moses told them, it would protect and prosper them as they made their journey to their own land. “So Moses told the people, “You must be careful to obey all the commands of the Lord your God, following his instructions in every detail. Stay on the path that the Lord your God has commanded you to follow. Then you will live long and prosperous lives in the land you are about to enter and occupy” Vs 32‬-‭33‬.

We may look at this entire process as a simple arrangement. Keep the commandments and reap the benefits of living in relationship with God. We now know that it would not be possible to keep God’s rules. It isn’t God’s fault, it’s our own sin that would prove time and time again that we are promise breakers and choose our own way, our own rules. All of which leads us to leave or wander from a relationship with God. God knew we couldn’t keep the rules and provided one and only one that would not only keep every single law in the covenant, but also become the physical and spiritual sacrifice for our sin, our selfishness, our rebellious desires – that is Jesus! In one way or another I have broken every one of the big ten commandments. But God is faithful. He is always right, true and just!


Knowing myself a lot better than I did when I was young. And knowing you much better as well. I can see how keeping the law, the contract would be impossible. I am thankful that you provided a way back to you even before I came to fully understand how it all worked. Thank you for your grace, your gift of forgiveness and reconciliation. Thank you for rescuing and restoring me when I was so lost and broken.

Symbols of promise.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Then God said, “I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will the floodwaters destroy all life.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭9‬:‭12‬-‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The complete and total destruction of all creation is a powerful, but risky move. It’s is extremely hard for us, as humans, as created beings, to grasp the full extent of God’s right and ability to do what he wants. What is even more mind-blowing is the fact that God, being PERFECT, precise, right, true and just can both make life and destroy life in complete supremacy, and it is justified!

While on earth, I doubt I will ever understand the mystery of risk God took in creating free-will creatures. Since God is so far above and beyond my thinking, it’s even harder to imagine him obliterating an entire batch of bad characters and sparing just a small fraction of human life as we see with Noah and his immediate family. There are so many questions surrounding the discussion in Genesis 2:1-9. Who were the “Nephilites – Sons of God?” They were mass producing giant warriors! Maybe they were reproducing much faster than the descendants of Adam and Eve? All we know God said he favored Noah and said he was righteous, blameless and walked in close fellowship with God. Noah was not perfect, but his faith in God clearly stood out.

We get past the flood and total destruction of the rest of humanity and we come to the contract, the covenant promise God made with Noah. God loves covenants and absolutely ALWAYS keeps his promises. The symbols of promise are reminders of contracts. These symbols and token reminders move us to memory of the promises made. Our modern world is filled with contracts, NDA’s, Pre-nups and mountains of paperwork stating that both parties are held to KEEP their promise for the contract to be reliable and dependable. Normally, when one of the parties in the contract fail to keep the promise made, the contract becomes null and void. However, there are lots of instances where one party might keep the promise even when the other breaks from the agreement. You sign a written contract when borrowing money or purchasing something of value. When you fail to make a payment, you break the contract and the bank or lender can take back the item in question. That may be a car, house, land or anything of worth. A wedding ring is a powerful symbol of promise, a contract or covenant – not with the state but with God and each other. Why would the government care if a couple stays together or not? The system does not care. God cares, people care.

God gives Noah the most famous, sustainable symbol humans have ever known – a rainbow in the sky. And it comes in its amazingly beautiful array of color when sunshine strikes water molecules sustained in the air. Oh sure, it can scientifically be explained, but science (physical explanations of natural phenomenon) is a recent discovery that didn’t happen in ancient times. The rainbow precedes our understanding of modern scientific explanations! The rainbow shows up in ancient texts! Oh, we’re so smart to be able to explain the mystery now, but we still can’t explain why it’s so amazing. How awful to reduce such extravagance down to a evolutionary anomaly that is treated as nonsensical coincidence!

The rainbow symbol has been used and abused to represent something it was never intended to represent. When the symbol is separated from the promise, it becomes worthless to help us remember what it is for. The rainbow still occurs as a reminder, but now it’s lost luster and beauty. Search it for yourself. What does the rainbow symbolize? Here’s the top result: “Rainbows symbolize good luck, wellness, happiness, and health, [and] could indicate a positive shift in vibration and positive energy.” What a nonsensical pile of 💩. Next time you see a rainbow, remember it’s a promise that God keeps his word! He didn’t flood the whole earth again. However, next time it will be another “natural” phenomenon… FIRE.


First of all, I love rainbows! Great job on that. However, I have seen your consistent love and grace to keep your promises in many more tangible ways in my life and in others. You are THE promise keeper! And, I am grateful that you are trustworthy.

A contract is a contract, and it must be paid in blood.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Don’t forget that you Gentiles used to be outsiders. You were called “uncircumcised heathens” by the Jews, who were proud of their circumcision, even though it affected only their bodies and not their hearts.” Ephesians‬ ‭2:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The outsiders! New Living Translation plays this verse a little too fast and loose, the word “outsiders” is not in the original text. The translators are trying to make the point Paul is suggesting. I found an article that said there were approximately 4 million Jews living in the Roman Empire at that time. They had to have been a force to be reckoned with because a number of Roman emperors tried to eliminate them. But in the religious world, in this “new” messianic Jew era, the Gentiles, or the heathens were outnumbered. Paul takes another dig at a previously honored distinction- pride in circumcision. Saul/Paul had been circumcised. However, it had long been known that it was only a physical indication and no longer a matter of a heart that was separated unto God. God had even declared that the physical trait had lost its effect because of sin, stubbornness and disobedience. When the “insiders” control the rules of the game, then everyone else is seen as outside the “accepted by God”circle. But Paul wrote, you were “formerly” heathens. Did they get circumcised? Well, certainly not physically. Paul was referring to what Christ had done for every human being – his blood had circumcised their heart. The mark, the “physical” proof was cut, contracted in the heart, right where God said he would writes his laws upon human flesh.

Contracts were said to be “cut” in ancient days because each party would physically cut into their own body, producing a little bit of blood. This is also why God choose circumcision as a sign of covenant with His people. That blood covenant or contract was a visible, visceral statement that declared, if I don’t keep my end of the contract, my blood, my life will be given in return. Ancient contracts were blood pacts!

All the way back to the garden and the reality of death for disobedience caused a permanent rift, a tear a chasm between humans and God. God setup a way to repair that breech. The contract with Abraham was a blood pact and the contract with Moses was the temporary method for failing to keep our end of the deal. As humans we kept failing to keep our end of the contract so the blood of animals was the temporary “atonement” or really a promise to pay in full one day with our own blood, our own lives.

We all had this blood/death sentence hanging over us. It didn’t matter if humans believed in God, or even knew about the contract arrangements – it is a reality ever human would have to face. Let’s say you get pulled over for a traffic violation and the office gives you a ticket, a fine that must be paid. You know it does NO GOOD whatsoever to tell the judge, “I didn’t know it was against the law!” The judge will tell you, “ignorance is not a defense.” Ignorance is not a defense with this blood contract either.

God’s plan was to become human and be born in perfection, no sin, completely innocent – Christ was never under the contract because he never violated the agreement. However, being perfect, and human he was able to make THE payment that no innocent temporary animal could ever make with its own blood (Remember animals live in a sinful world, but they do not commit sin – they do not have a human soul thus they were never at fault for disobedience). Because they are NOT human, their innocent blood could only be a temporary peace offering, a promise for its owner to pay in full at some point in the future. Christ was born perfect and lived perfect, so his blood, his death was the only real solution to all of humanity’s big pile of “IOU’s!”

Now, the only way to avoid paying for your sin is to show the judge your “paid in full” receipt, not because a small amount of blood was “cut” in circumcision, but the paid contract has been cut in your heart, where you believe in God’s payment plan through Christ and show it by the way you live now as “circumcised” Gentile.


All I can say is thank you! Thank you for your plan, your salvation. Thank you for your law being written on my heart. Thank you for grace to look forward, live forward unafraid of death as my own payment for sin.

Thank God for the Apostle Paul

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“For merely listening to the law doesn’t make us right with God. It is obeying the law that makes us right in his sight. Even Gentiles, who do not have God’s written law, show that they know his law when they instinctively obey it, even without having heard it. They demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.” Romans‬ ‭2:13-15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

He was raised and trained in all things Jewish. And he mitigates the complex understanding of how God brought the story of salvation to and through the Jewish people. Yet, God does not hold Gentiles (us) to the complicated, but necessary, adherence to the details of the Law, he’s given us a new and better way.

We were not given God’s written law, nor his blood covenant he made with Abraham. We were given a new law, written on/in our hearts and a blood covenant made and paid for by Jesus. I can’t speak to the effectiveness of God’s law written and remembered by the Jews, but I can speak to the law written on the Gentile’s heart.

God has made himself abundantly clear to every Jew and non-Jew on the planet. He has and is doing so through his creation itself, life’s circumstances (across ALL cultures) and even in the still quiet places of dreams and visions.

I have been talking to a wonderful Vietnamese woman who cuts my hair about God. She went through a lot of struggles with her shop because of the pandemic and our Governor’s attempt to crush small businesses. I told her I prayed that God would do a miracle and get her out of a large lease space that the owner would not release her from and move her into the much smaller space next door. God did the miracle for her and she was thankful. Yesterday when I got another hair cut, I noticed that she was having a conversation with a woman who is also a believer and the gal was so sweet and kind to the shop owner. I remembered, God is ALWAYS working in people and whispering in someone’s ear about how much he loves them! I know she will come to faith in Jesus because of this verse Paul is writing to the Romans. And, we get to be a part of that. On any given day at any given time, our joy is to say yes to God about using us to love, tell our story and just be the light of Christ in someone’s dark place in their life.


I’m glad to see these things explained by Paul in your word. Because, that’s how it happened in my own life. And yes, you used a number of situations and people to get me to a quiet but frustrating place in my life. A place where I recognized just how chaotic and dark my life was and how you were offering a new future. I am so thankful that all the WORK is done by you and we just get the chance to participate with you in seeing people come from death to life! May it be so more often in me and my friends.