The widow and the secret of the thirteenth trumpet.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box.” Luke‬ ‭21‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Luke records this brief story highlighting a widow and her extraordinary gift to God. Luke as well as Mark both include this story. Mark’s version has far more detail.

As I read through the gospels I do so with “western” eyes. I read through my modern, cultural and historical lenses. I can’t help it, it just happens. But as I read these ancient texts, I have come to realize there is so much more going on that I have no idea about.

When Robin and I visited Israel, I came to see that at least one third of our understanding of God or theology is anchored in geography! The physical geography of the land of Israel holds so much rich and helpful background to text. I’ve also come to believe that similar is true with the historical and cultural significance of these stories, places and characters mentioned in the Bible. No worries, God’s revelation of Himself to us comes through crystal clear even without the geographical, historical or cultural clarity. However, when you find out about the full 360° view of where the story took place and the full-color of the context, well it is just mind-blowingly beautiful! This is the case with this story.

Luke just writes about where Jesus was (in temple) and what he was doing (people watching). But oh, there is so much more about these details alone. I’ll give you a link to my notes on this story here –

Let’s just say this, where Jesus sat, why he sat there and what was looking at, is truly amazing. I’ll give you a hint. The Bible says “THE collection box.” But the Greek word is gazophulakion or treasury. There wasn’t just one box or treasury, there were THIRTEEN of them. Which one did the widow drop her little “mites” into? You’ll have to get the notes to find out.


Finding out that these recorded stories have a full and colorful background all on their own was so eye-opening for me. I’m happy that the truth of your Word and what Jesus’ said doesn’t need some expert dissertation to understand. Yet, with just a little bit of background, it gives a brighter experience to know more of the human character and authenticity of our shared context living on this planet. I deeply appreciate the text more with this fullness. It helps me understand that people were just people then and the same is true today!

BIG life, boulder free.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“What does all this mean? Even though the Gentiles were not trying to follow God’s standards, they were made right with God. And it was by faith that this took place. But the people of Israel, who tried so hard to get right with God by keeping the law, never succeeded. Why not? Because they were trying to get right with God by keeping the law instead of by trusting in him. They stumbled over the great rock in their path.” Romans‬ ‭9:30-32‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​Imagine the walkway leading up to your house or your apartment complex. The reason it exists is for easy access to the entry to your home. Now imagine, if you decided to put a big boulder right in the middle of that path. Now the path is blocked, making it harder to get to your front door.

Paul says the law, the perfect commandments of God are that boulder, that ROCK. Paul says that for the Jewish folk, God himself put that boulder there. Then, by inference says, as a Gentile why would you put the rock 🪨 there by yourself, when God did not want it there?

Paul’s rock analogy is about the law. Gentiles, non-Jewish folk, weren’t even aware that there was a rock at all and thus, their path to God was not based on WORKING around the rock to get to himself. Gentiles had faith in Christ, who permanently removed the rock to freely allow access to God? To the Jews, Paul says elsewhere, Jesus is a stumbling block (boulder), because faith in Christ’s work removes the barrier between us and God. However, even as Gentiles (most of us), came to Christ, through faith and not having to work to get around or over the boulder, it seems that we still easily pickup Jewish ways.

We put the boulder back in the way and then struggle to get around it! Why? Because faith in Christ is HARDER than working to keep all the commandments. Strange huh? Faith in Christ is a humbling trust that God moved towards us and removed all the barriers to perfection and yes, holiness, to have a full grace-filled life with himself. Doesn’t grace make us like, sin-lazy, easy to just take the gift and do whatever we want? That is possible. Isn’t grace too easy? Not according to God it’s not. This grace was the most costly, extravagant gift God could ever give. It cost the suffering and death of his own Son, Jesus. But can’t that be taken advantage of or spurned (treated cheaply)? Yes, but what’s the advantage of that? That just puts us, automatically under the curse of the law – the souls that sins MUST die. Treating God’s gift of grace flippantly puts the boulder right back in our path.

God expects us to not only be thankful for His gift but to trust Him to live as BIG of a life as we can in this miracle of forgiveness. Living a Big life, boulder free!


It is so frustrating when we want to move towards being better, sinning less and try to live a life of perfection, the first thing we think of is putting ourselves back under the law and work hard to impress you. We’re just putting the rock back in our our path! The only path to perfection is running towards your presence and through your Holy Spirit live this life of grace and trust. Of course there is confession of sin and a repentance from those sins, but not to work harder or “do good” to try to erase our own sins. You designed us to walk with you and have provided a perfect way to make that happen – through Jesus. Thank you!