Crescendo closing.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heaven! Praise him for his mighty works; praise his unequaled greatness! Psalms‬ ‭150‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

With the Jewish Temple being completely rebuilt and rededicated, the people of God felt like it a fresh start, a do-over. So much had happened, so many leaders had risen and fallen. With the kingdoms divided, the return to Jerusalem was bittersweet for Judah as well as the ten “lost” tribes of Israel. The northerners also built a temple on Mount Gerizim (sacred to the Samaritans) and installed Manasseh as high priest. The temple and the priestly appointment was considered illegitimate because Manasseh had married Sanballat’s (the Persian governor over Samaria) daughter. Remember Jesus’ discussion with the Samaritan woman at the well?

This Psalm not only captures the sense of celebration of this fresh start, it also becomes the crescendo closing of the book of Psalms. Ezra is likely the author, when he directs the grand opening band with all of their instruments. It must have been an explosive moment of praise and worship to God!

Praise him with a blast of the ram’s horn;
praise him with the lyre and harp!
Praise him with the tambourine and dancing;
praise him with strings and flutes!
Praise him with a clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals.

The final words of a book filled with awe and wonder of God cries out, “Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

All we can do is agree and say Amen!


Of all the high points of celebration. Of all the critical moments of history and reflection, this one stands out as an amazing and eternal declaration of who you are! It is the defining moment of our lives before you – YES, let everything that has breath sing praises to You! Amen.

Sophisticated Idols.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The idols of the nations are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear, and mouths but cannot breathe. And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭135‬:‭15‬-‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Many of today’s idols are still fashioned and formed by human hands. I see them in person or in pictures of places around the world. They stand or sit as statues. They hang from car mirrors or are positioned on stands or small niches on the houses in my neighborhood. I see them prominently and boldly greeting me at some restaurants and stores. I see their brightly colored adornments and painted eyes looking at me with a steely stare.

These are the common, well known idols that have existed for thousands of years. And, just as the Psalmist declared back then, they STILL have mouths, eyes and ears! They are just as silent today as they were in antiquity. People pray to them, talk to them, and many still leave gifts of food or money, tokens of gratitude or bribes to winsomely stay in good standing. You don’t want these statues to decide to curse you rather than bless you. This kind of idolatry is alive and well even today. And, someone is making a fortune selling them!

But oh, these hand-fashioned, or machine-made creations are not the idols of the “enlightened.” No, no, no… the “new” ones are not physical at all – they are spiritual beings, which of course means that they may not have mouths, eyes and ears, but they most certainly speak, watch and listen. Yes, these sophisticated idols are of the dark realms, ordered about and orchestrated by the evil one, the liar, thief and enemy of humankind – Satan. These neo-idols do not require tangible gifts or sacrifices left at their ethereal feet, they desire something much more valuable to us. They require your allegiance and your soul!

They whisper lies and manipulate human desires to not only dissuade people from believing in God but to convince humans to believe in themselves as their own god! These idols aren’t hiding behind plaster or plastic statues, they are openly and defiantly leading folks to follow their own truth, whatever their heart wants. With promises of riches, power, position or fame, they offer more than just protection. They gleefully offer an alternative to the mean, vindictive, judgmental, unfair, unjust, singular path God! It’s insidiously popular to simply convince humans that there are in fact “other” gods. There’s a choice, an option – no need to believe in a one true God. Their smooth, subtle whispers to just try it out, just sample their agenda, their options, their ways. Go ahead, these idols say, take a peek, open that door. Eat the forbidden fruit; they promise you’ll love it. And they can get you more of it, anytime you want.

Solomon, the ancient wealthy and wisest human ever, wrote this in Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” Beware the sophisticated idols, they are even more dangerous than statues.


It is so clear that there is a battle for the human soul. Even though we were created in perfection, with the capacity and capability of choosing to disobey and do what we want, you still love us. You still fight for us, for what is best for us. I am so thankful you continue to pursue the human heart – even at its most rebellious stage, you died for us! May your light and love continue to penetrate the darkness and disordered desires of our soul. Amen.

The substance of things hope for.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”For Christ did not enter into a holy place made with human hands, which was only a copy of the true one in heaven. He entered into heaven itself to appear now before God on our behalf. And he did not enter heaven to offer himself again and again, like the high priest here on earth who enters the Most Holy Place year after year with the blood of an animal. If that had been necessary, Christ would have had to die again and again, ever since the world began. But now, once for all time, he has appeared at the end of the age to remove sin by his own death as a sacrifice.“ Hebrews‬ ‭9‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The author of Hebrews makes the long and detailed list of how Christ is not just sufficient, but better in all ways. The holy place Hebrews writes about is the temple. The tabernacle (tent) or permanent temple are mere copies of the “true one” in heaven. Wow! God’s dwelling place, in the heaven? I can’t even imagine. The Bible describes the earth as God’s footstool (Isaiah 66:1). Yet, this isn’t about majestic size comparison, it’s about Christ himself, worthy to approach the throne of God with boldness because of his perfect sacrifice. But as we read, Jesus doesn’t need to keep going back to God’s throne to make that sacrifice. No, Hebrews keeps using this phrase, “once for all.” It is truly finished!

Hebrews ends this thought by reminding us as believers, “so also Christ was offered once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him” (Hebrews‬ ‭9‬:‭28‬). What an amazing exclamation; Jesus’ return is not about dealing with our sin, but rather it is the completion of the Kingdom of God arriving by bringing salvation to all who have been waiting for that fulfillment! We deal in the current realities and of what we know now – both the beauty and brokenness of this life. But we also deal with the future hope that ALL will be resolved. Evil will be crushed and we will then be totally free from our sin, shame and sorrows of this life on the dark planet called Earth 🌎. I’m not sure exactly what that means because it feels impossible to even imagine life without such duplicity. Hebrews summarizes history, but it amplifies our future in heaven with Christ. The substance of things hope for is the sacrifice of Jesus’ life for our salvation.


I see glimpses of this hope, glances of beautiful moments. The sunrises and sunsets, the mountains majestically covered in snow, the site of a newborn or seeing a toddler’s smile. I see moments of happiness in grinning faces that fly by on our freeways. I feel the deep joy at the sight of reunion hugs with family and friends. These are all moments that are viewed through an obscure mirror, an enigmatic moment, a shadowed reflection. But I know there is a day coming that we will see clearly, face to face, no obstruction, no murkiness. We will behold Your glory and all of creation will be seen in a new heavenly light.

Is wisdom enough?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. If you prize wisdom, she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will honor you. She will place a lovely wreath on your head; she will present you with a beautiful crown. Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Solomon, was the key person initiating this book of proverbs. And, most likely, Solomon was the principal of the school of wisdom for young men being trained with these truths using it as curriculum.

However, when one compares proverbs to how Solomon actually lived his life, something is askew, it doesn’t add up. And, coupled with reading Solomon’s other book, Ecclesiastes, you end up asking a difficult question, “if Solomon was so wise why did he disobey God?” (Do an internet search on that question). Why did he intermarry with thousands of wives from foreign countries? Why did he allow idolatry to flourish in his own palace and throughout the nation of Israel.

I have utmost respect for Proverbs! It was the first book I tried to pattern my own life after, learning discipline and obedience to God. So, I am not bashing the book, nor the wisdom it provides. The other book, that was most helpful to me was Psalms. Again, amazing book and so helpful. All about learning how to walk with God, to pray, to listen, to be completely honest in my conversations with God. But, David’s real life has some difficult, disturbing tragedies as well!

Using Solomon’s words as a foundation and an amazing teaching tool is fabulous. However, when the layers of his own life are laid over the truths in Proverbs, like a plastic transparency, we find that wisdom cannot be separated from God. Wisdom must be carefully and humbly integrated into a deep and abiding walk with God, following and obeying Him instead of allowing our hearts to be seduced by our own desires or carried away with these concepts of the “good life!”

Can wisdom be decoupled from God? Can a human being obtain the intelligence, creativity, knowledge and even wisdom apart from God? Absolutely. Case in point, some of the most famous, incredibly smart and capable humans ended up trying to disprove, even oppose God! Folks like Charles Darwin. What a mind. What a passionate drive to study and love the flora and fauna of God’s creation. Yet, he was used to build an entirely new and wickedly designed lie using God’s wisdom – the religion of evolution!

As much as I love wisdom and am thankful for every bit of help it gives me, because I am so socially and emotionally broken – I love God MORE! I love God’s ways, his law, his boundaries and even his correction. I am determined to keep wisdom deeply connected to my relationship with God. And that is not as easy as it sounds.


Is wisdom enough? No, it is not. I need to constantly be giving you more of myself. Surrendering, confessing, repenting, seeking and being utterly satisfied with you and what you’ve given to me. Gratefulness must replace my hunger for more. Thankfulness must conquer my thoughts, aspirations and comparisons. You are the giver of life and everything that’s good in me! You are enough. Amen.

Holy Reintroductions.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The Lord replied to Moses, “I will indeed do what you have asked, for I look favorably on you, and I know you by name.” Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.” The Lord replied, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh, before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭33‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This name of God is incredibly mysterious and intimate. Names have always been significant to me. It bothers me when parents choose their children’s names flippantly, as if their own children were the brunt of a joke or an attempt to make an outlandish statement to everyone that hears it. I feel sorry for today’s teachers having to learn complicated names and strange spellings of names because parents want to be uniquely cute. Hey moms and dads… it’s NOT about you so stop selfishly screwing up your child from day one!

Names have and hold honor or conversely horrible reputations. Moses (to draw out) repeatedly said, “God you know my name,” which alone is a powerful concept. Of course God knows his name! But when one knows that God knows your name and calls out your name is an experience beyond words.

God’s voice, was and is distinctly recognizable, Adam and Eve heard it in the garden (Gen 3:5). And Moses wrote that the couple heard the “voice of the LORD God.” Here, in Hebrew, Moses uses a doubling effect of God’s name, “אֱלֹהִ֑ים יְהוָֹה” elohim Yhvh – Jehovah God. Yhvh means I Am, I be (hayah). Earlier in Exodus 3, God had told Moses who was sending him to Pharoah to demand the release of His people. God said, “tell them “Yhvh” has sent me to you.” Here, many years later, in a much more personal, relational context, Moses pleads with God to STAY. God tells Moses, I will pass before you and speak my name – Yahweh. The Jewish people mistakenly treated God’s name so holy for fear that they would break law #3. They did not want to accidentally take God’s name in vain or be careless so decided they would never speak His name. They strictly forbid anyone from saying or even writing God’s name and forever used a shortcut to refer to Him – the vowels in God’s name were removed and we were left with Yhvh. Scholars best guess, putting the most likely vowels back in use, “Yahweh” or pronounced “Jehovah.”

The point of this dialog with Moses is that God WANTS to be known. God wants us to call out His name! One of most poignant moments in the New Testament is when the religious leaders started forcing Jesus to reveal who he was, only to trap him in what they considered to be blasphemy and they asked him in John 8:56-59, “Who do you think you are?” Jesus replied, “before Abraham was, I am,” our translations use the Greek equivalent to the Hebrew word “eimi: I exist, I am.” Jesus spoke the forbidden use of God’s name and insisted it is not blasphemy if he is in fact THE person of that highly secretive word! God knows our name. God wants us, like the couple in the garden, like Abram, like Moses, even like Lazarus, to hear and recognize his voice and talk with Him.


Abba, Father, God – I want to know you more. I know you know my name and I want to not only know your name, but everything about you. I want to bear and reflect your name in and through my own life, giving You glory and honor and praise in how I live, how I love. Thank you for your amazing grace to transform my life into something beautiful.

Oh, we are quite contrarian aren’t we?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one!” Psalms‬ ‭53:1-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This is one of those psalms I do not like waking up to first thing in the morning.

I love David’s opening line, “only fools.” but then he goes in to describe such a miserable outlook on humans – himself and me included. This is not how I want to face my day and go out to try to do some good, make some right decisions and add to the value of God’s Kingdom somehow.

I do think about the audacity of folks who feel so smart, so sophisticated and self-aware when they declare their disbelief in God. Look around, I think to myself. Who made all this? I ask. Oh, nothing, no one, they say. So when has something come from nothing ever before, I ask. Oh, it’s only happened once and it will never happen again, they say. Is that so? Effect without cause, design without a designer? Wow. That does sound foolish. Their beginning is without purpose and their end is meaningless. Where’d they get these outlandish ideas? From a liar.

From David’s perspective God did look and find no one good. But from God’s perspective and his perfect plan, he looked and saw our humanity through one particular man, the Son of Man, and saw not only good, but righteousness, perfection. Yes, it’s quite the spectacular mystery of grace. And, yes, it’s quite frustrating to live in a world of sin and corruption while waiting for God’s endgame and total completion of his plan.

But while we wait, we get to see the unique beauty of our existence through our fractured and frosted glass of sin – like broken sea-glass that washes on the shore. We get to see the world we’ve made because of our choices – our wars, hatred, jealousy, division and incessant selfishness and self will.


What a dark and dim look at ourselves without seeing us through the filter of redemption. Oh, how patient you are. How how long suffering you are with us. You see our end as well as our beginning. I am so thankful you see us, you see me through the perfection of Jesus. I am eternally grateful for your mercy and grace extended through all our human history. Our thoughts and ways are not like yours – yet. But there will come a day where all things will be made right. I look forward to that day.

Moses bargains with his life

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The Lord replied to Moses, “I will indeed do what you have asked, for I look favorably on you, and I know you by name.” Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.” The Lord replied, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh, before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.” Exodus‬ ‭33:17-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​I can’t even imagine the intimacy and the amount of years it took for Moses to eventually have this kind of conversation with God! Moses was super straightforward with God without being disrespectful in any way. Just reading “one day Moses said to the Lord…” and “The Lord replied to Moses,” blows my mind! Of course, WE have always been able to tell God anything and everything. We’ve always been able to have that part down. But have I, have you – talked to the Lord? I know people who are really casual in the conversations with God of all creation. And even though I honestly do approach God with the word, “Dad,” I’m never crass or flippant in my conversations.

Here’s the thing with Moses though, God spoke back! I believe the folks around later heard a storm-like thunder, but Moses heard God’s voice.

And in true and beautiful Jewish style, Moses tries to bargain with God constantly – it’s in his DNA to do so. Abraham did it. Jacob did it. Jesus even did it in Gethsemane on his last night before the cross. It gives me chills when God says to Moses, “oh I know you, I know your name.” He knows all about us intimately.

Moses makes this crazy request, “show me your presence.” Now Moses had clearly seen the kinds of things that happen when God’s presence shows up. Bushes burn without being consumed. Terrifying plagues come and go that frightened people and ruined the local economy for days. Huge rivers stopped and made walking trails. Storm clouds hovered and pillars of fire roamed around at night like a nightlight for giants. Moses! Really? His angle was brilliant “If you’re presence isn’t known and seen, then these hard-headed people you asked me to lead won’t believe a word I say. They only listen to me because they’re afraid of you.” What kind of crazy curiosity did this guy have? And, shocker, God didn’t say NO.

God momentarily concealed his holiness to accommodate a personal request. God: “I can’t show you my face or you will turn back into dust, but I’ll hide you behind the rock, pass in front of you call out MY NAME, covering you with my hand.”

God: “then I will remove my hand so you can see my backside as I pass by.” What a moment! Can you even imagine being in the presence of God and having a face to face conversation with him?

One day we will not only talk with God will have a chance to go on a walk with him just like Adam and Eve did back in the beginning. I can’t wait. As for now, we have the Holy Spirit, who is the presence of God with us, beside us and for us. So ask away! Talk with God and tell him what’s on your heart. You could even try making some cool deals with God and see how it goes!


Wow, what a moment to peek into the life of Moses and see how much you loved him – even with all his faults. I’m pretty sure he had issues with anger and a short temper. Funny enough, he didn’t even feel qualified or had any desire to be a leader. He’s where I get the whole “reluctant leader” model from.

And yet, he and you had some amazing conversations. I am truly looking forward to some long walks and talks in eternity, which is really hard to imagine right now.

What can mere mortals do? A LOT!

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! I praise God for what he has promised; yes, I praise the Lord for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?” Psalms‬ ‭56:3-4, 9-11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David, with promises of a future in his head, faces his daily routine of running for his life in this season. This chapter has such a unique heading, “To the tune of ‘A Dove on Distant Oaks’. When the Philistines had seized David in Gath.” I think this is when David feigned crazy and it worked!

Here’s the thing, David not only faces his fears, he lists them, writes about them and walks us through how he processes those feelings. Currently, the phrase for these ANTS (automatic negative thoughts) is “name it to tame it!” Get it out in the open before God and deal with it instead of letting it bounce around in our head causing all kinds of havoc!

I’ve written about David’s emotionally honest prayers and how effective they are to read and ride those crummy circumstances all the way down to the bottom and let David’s words of truth about God’s character lift us back up again.

David uses this phrase about “mere mortals” twice! So, what can mortals, man or flesh do to us? They can attack, hurt, lie about, tear down and erode the way we think. One powerfully placed NEGATIVE question can cause me to spin-cycle and doubt my effectiveness and worth for days! I hate it!

David’s ability to reframe, not just his circumstances, but his views of God are CRITICAL to stopping the blame-shame game in my head. Dave also repeats the most important phrase in this passage, “I trust in God.” I TRUST in God.


This is a big struggle for me. I can go for days or weeks with no battles, real or mental. But then, when they come, man they are fierce. And, they are so hard to shake. I am getting better at recognizing how powerful these mental struggles are, but I am slow to take them to you, speak them out and let you help me kick them out of my head and replace them with truth about who you are!