The demon dilemma.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

That evening after sunset, many sick and demon-possessed people were brought to Jesus. The whole town gathered at the door to watch. So Jesus healed many people who were sick with various diseases, and he cast out many demons. But because the demons knew who he was, he did not allow them to speak. Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭32‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Mark is the journalist giving us the eyewitness account of Peter, as a disciple and friend of Jesus. I notice that Mark had just recorded a demonic episode in the previous verses. Mark jumps right in after some introductory remarks about John the Baptizer, a short four verses about Jesus temptation and first mention of Satan (the adversary), by name.

It didn’t take Mark long to setup the perspective and proof from which he writes – Jesus has power over all things! Mark first recorded miracle story was about the authority to exercise demons (“akathartos” unclean, impure spirits). And, he notes that the synagogue attendees were astonished that Jesus not only had a powerful way with words, speaking with authority and power. But that power was not just in speaking deep, penetrating thoughts, Jesus had a command of the world like no one had ever seen.

Commanding unclean spirits to vacate a human soul and forbidding them to even speak! Mark is just getting started building his case. Here, in this follow up account, Jesus dismissed Simon’s mother-in-law’s sickness simply by touching her hand and helping her out of bed. Word of the miracles spread fast and soon Mark notes that the sick and “daimonizomai” – demonized, were brought to Jesus. Jesus healed many and cast out many. For the second time Mark mentions that Jesus forbid the demons to speak because they knew he was.
We don’t like to talk about this whole idea of a “spirit recognition,” because it comes off sounding kind of cultish. The Apostle Paul mentions something similar in Romans 8:15, writing about our spirit “bearing witness.”

The fact is that the spiritual realm is very real, more real than even our physical one. That’s hard for us to comprehend, but it was not difficult for demons to recognize their creator! It’s strange that many people don’t or won’t recognize their creator. If you follow Mark’s proof throughout his gospel account, you’ll find that Jesus starts with the “easy” miracles, like sickness and ekballism, but crescendos by calming nature’s storms – the winds and waves. Then finally, raising Lazarus from the dead. But even more powerful than that was when Jesus himself conquered sin, hell, death and the grave! Mark’s gospel asks the question, “who else has done this?” Who else could do this? No one! It’s why the most powerful proof about Christianity is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and resurrected!

The entire spiritual realm knows who Jesus is! James, Jesus’ brother writes in 2:19, “for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.” It should make us think. It should remind us that even though people say they don’t believe in God, that there are forces that do and are fully capable of causing chaos, destruction and even death. Where do folks go to for help these days?


I read these early accounts of Jesus living as a human among us and realize, every single story was about real people, suffering with real problems. Problems like sickness is one thing, but DEMONS? I can’t imagine the families trying to care for their own with some kind of soul co-habitant bent on making people suffer and taking control over their lives. That still happens today doesn’t it? The demon dilemma may be far more subtle and folks can pretend it doesn’t exist or that it’s completely a psycho-medical issue, but we should know better. God help us! Please God, pour out your Spirit and do a work that we cannot do! Help us see what you are up to and join with you. Amen.

Little experience, big expectations.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: “Don’t go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, but only to the people of Israel—God’s lost sheep. Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!” Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭5‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This seems to be Jesus’ leadership development plan. We want more training, more time. Jesus wants us to have more faith.

Faith is more for than just things we’ve hoped for, it’s on the job training, it’s experience in action. It’s doing, not just thinking. It’s Ignatius Loyola’s mantra to “live with one foot raised.” It’s Home Depot’s slogan, “How doers get more done.” One person writes, “John’s Gospel never uses the noun (“faith, belief”) πίστις (pistis), but only the verb (“to believe; to trust”). πιστεύω (pisteuō). Faith in the gospel of John is a verb, not a noun.”

Here in Matthew, when Jesus said, “go,” no one misunderstands or confuses the word “go” with anything like, “think about going,” or “plan on going,” or “eventually, you should go.” That’s hilarious- go means go!

In Season 3 of the series, “The Chosen,” Dallas Jenkins has this scene in Episode 2, “two by two.” The episode captures the reality of this moment we read here. The disciples are all in shock, dumbfounded! Jesus gives the itinerary ToDo list, saying, “this is what you will be DOING.” Heal the sick. Raise the dead. Cure those with skin diseases. And….dramatic drumroll please, CAST OUT DEMONS. Everyone has questions. In The Chosen episode, he answers them. However, here in the text he does not answer them. Matthew just dutifully writes, “Jesus sent out.”

I remind myself, Jesus fully intended his followers to completely emulate everything he did himself through the power of the Holy Spirit. I know, we are all a little rusty at some of these commands, er… opportunities. Heal. Raise, Cast out. Whew. I need more training? For what? I need more time? Why? Oh, because in my mind, in my experience, I AM THE ONE EMPOWERING these commands. That is completely ridiculous. I can’t heal, raise or cast out anything. However, Matthew told me in 10:1, “Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them authority to cast out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness.” Of course I knew you and I would gravitate towards the excuse clause, “called his twelve disciples.” I am not, you are not, in the original twelve apostles group, so none of this applies to us, right? Sure, I can rest thinking that’s my out. But if I believe that as an excuse, it means all those other cool promises are only for the people Jesus originally spoke to back in ancient days. Even the blessings? Promises? Yeah, you’d have to scratch those as well.

When Jesus also said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father” John 14:12. He didn’t mean, really mean, anyone, right? Wrong. He did mean anyone who believes. Anyone who is a follower of Jesus. They have the authority of Christ, under the direction of the Holy Spirit to do the works of God here, now, on this planet. How much of the Holy Spirit do I need to be obedient? It’s not about quantity or quality of God’s presence in me. It’s about this verb, believe (pisteuō) like John wrote. It’s about the faith verb, not about faith noun! It’s about more doing, less waiting. Experience is an excellent instructor of faith. Let’s just believe and do.


This idea of DOING faith, verses just having faith, haunts me and excites me. I think big thoughts and sometimes even talk big faith, ah, but doing it… No wonder you sent them off in twos. I’ve been with friends when either their faith or mine is boosted when we have done things together. Alone, in doing faith, is no fun! However, if I can’t find a faith buddy, I so want to just do it on my own sometimes. I have got to quick thinking an pd writing about this and just DO IT. Help me. Thanks for your encouragement and patience.