Change Orientation.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Once when John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, some people came to Jesus and asked, “Why don’t your disciples fast like John’s disciples and the Pharisees do? Mark‬ ‭2‬:‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Mark records an interesting conversation with Jesus that seemed to start with an amazing spiritual discipline, like fasting and end with a couple of object lessons about change. First of all, the NLT (New Living Translation) makes it sound like the disciples of John and of the Pharisees are using the old avoidance phrase, “some people” say. The original language is not so loose. In the Greek, it’s just “they came.” Pastor’s hate these kind of scenarios when “some people” say… who is “some people” we ask?

Jesus answers the thinly veiled question, but then goes for the motivation behind the question. Who does this? How does Jesus do this? Are there always questions behind the question? Jesus then switches to two object lessons about mixing old with new. It never works!

Jesus gives a quick, two-verse illustration, about patches and wineskins. Don’t both object lessons serve the point that old and new cannot exist in the same space? And isn’t it also clear that the old will not allow the new to coexist, but in fact will destroy both? Is this about fasting at all? It seems that Jesus is having a completely different conversation with these disciples.

They aren’t really asking about fasting and Jesus doesn’t really want to talk about fasting, in this context, either. They are both talking about change. Jesus knows that massive change is coming and he also knows that “some folks” are not comfortable with it. Jesus is, in fact, introducing a whole new way of doing everything. He knows that the fulfillment of the Law and everything under the Law will look completely different under a new freedom, and a new perspective on grace and mercy. The entire Old Testament system will go through cataclysmic change now that God has become flesh and that God will fulfill his promises to redeem humanity!

Christianity is not a patchwork, nor an old-wine way of life. Christ did not come to patch up the Law to keep it limping along, forever failing to change our hearts. He also did not come to allow a flat, fervent-less wine to try to express the exuberant joy of walking with God. The Law was a temporary stop-gap, a burden! When we grab the ethos, thinking or application of the Old Testament Law into the new and better experience of Christ’s efficacy and efficiency for our salvation, we are trying to patch God’s plan. When we keep trying to introduce the effervescent, actively expanding grace and joy of new life into the forms and confines of the Old Covenant, it will blow up!

Jesus couldn’t wait to introduce the fresh air of living by the Spirit but folks wanted to keep living in the caves of the law, breathing staleness of dead air! No wonder people would give up everything to follow Him! Jesus brings life to the fullest, no longer dimmed or dinged by our sin! Who doesn’t want that? I’ll tell you who. Folks who desire the guardrails of the Law, because a life in the Spirit feels like a lack of control. And it is. It’s a surrendering of faith to the control of the Spirit. I’ll take the new clothes of Christ and the bubbly joy of the new wine thank you!


I love your Law as instruction and to know you better. But I also love living by Your Spirit! The fresh, exhilarating wind of hope, mercy and grace is intoxicating. I will gladly give up control of my will to accomplish Yours. I will gladly walk in the Spirit, rather than my own flesh. Getting my way not only brings death it means crushing disappointment! It’s Your way now. Thank you for freedom to do what is right, and not just anything I want to do.

How did Jesus know?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Jesus knew immediately what they were thinking, so he asked them, “Why do you question this in your hearts? Is it easier to say to the paralyzed man ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk’? So I will prove to you that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sins.” Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!” And the man jumped up, grabbed his mat, and walked out through the stunned onlookers. They were all amazed and praised God, exclaiming, “We’ve never seen anything like this before!” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Mark’s gospel captures the moment when Jesus heals a man who was paralyzed and was carried to Jesus breaking through the roof of Peter’s mother-in-law’s house. Jesus addressed the most critical need of this man first, saying, “your sins are forgiven.” This was shocking to everyone who was there. It is still shocking today. But some teachers of the law criticized Jesus in their own minds. Mark tells us, Jesus knew what they were thinking. Stop right there.

Jesus not only knew what the paralyzed man needed most, he also knew what the religious leaders were thinking! Was this a guess? Was Jesus just “reading the room”? Jesus answered their thoughts and verbally responded to them! This isn’t the first time this happened. It is often noted that Jesus knew the thoughts of those around him. Yet, in some cases, like the woman with a genetic blood disorder, Jesus had no idea who touched his prayer tassel? What’s going on?

Here’s the question; how did Jesus know the thoughts of those around him? If our answer is, “oh, that’s easy, Jesus is God, therefore of course he knows the thoughts of others.” But the Apostle Paul tells us that Jesus laid those abilities down as a human being, “being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Phil 2:6-7. Did Jesus “know” out of his divinity or his humanity? The reason I ask, “how did Jesus know”, is because I believe Jesus wanted his followers to do the same kinds of miracles he did. Jesus sent them out to heal the sick and kick out demons. Would his disciples need to know the thoughts of others too? Could they? There is very little written about this from Bible Commentaries and I get it – it feels sketchy to even think about it, like it’s extra-Biblical and should not be talked about. I do not want to theologically wander outside of scriptural lines at all. But I have always wondered if Jesus, being fully human and fully God did not humanly, lean on the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit in situations like this.

Clearly, we are told that the Holy Spirit came down on Jesus (Luke 3:22) and he was also full of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1). And, Jesus also his disciples to receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:22). So it makes sense that Jesus was simply modeling something he expected his disciples to follow in, namely, to depend on both the leading and power of the Holy Spirit. Paul does write about discernment as a spiritual gift in 1 Corinthians 12:10 – a form of God’s wisdom and knowledge in distinguishing between good and evil. This is just one of my constant curiosities as we learn to be a disciple and make a disciple. Can we know? Should we know?


You are fully aware of those moments in my life that you have asked me to step out in faith to speak or do something specific to help someone who is hurting or in need. In those moments, I believe that I “knew” things that would be impossible to know on my own. The problem was that I had to figure out a way to say it without being religious or weird. I generally asked if what I was hearing was something they were dealing with. While my heart was pounding out of my chest, I would proceed with caution. It was terrifying to step out in faith in those moments, but I was obedient. Nowadays, there has been so much nonsense and hurt in these areas of “speaking words” over or with people, that I just have a harder time being obedient. Now, as an “older” Pastor, I want to be more “careful,” and that makes it even more difficult to discern and be obedient. Help us, God! Help us be completely dependent on your Holy Spirit and still be able to serve those who need you!