Is wisdom enough?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. If you prize wisdom, she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will honor you. She will place a lovely wreath on your head; she will present you with a beautiful crown. Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Solomon, was the key person initiating this book of proverbs. And, most likely, Solomon was the principal of the school of wisdom for young men being trained with these truths using it as curriculum.

However, when one compares proverbs to how Solomon actually lived his life, something is askew, it doesn’t add up. And, coupled with reading Solomon’s other book, Ecclesiastes, you end up asking a difficult question, “if Solomon was so wise why did he disobey God?” (Do an internet search on that question). Why did he intermarry with thousands of wives from foreign countries? Why did he allow idolatry to flourish in his own palace and throughout the nation of Israel.

I have utmost respect for Proverbs! It was the first book I tried to pattern my own life after, learning discipline and obedience to God. So, I am not bashing the book, nor the wisdom it provides. The other book, that was most helpful to me was Psalms. Again, amazing book and so helpful. All about learning how to walk with God, to pray, to listen, to be completely honest in my conversations with God. But, David’s real life has some difficult, disturbing tragedies as well!

Using Solomon’s words as a foundation and an amazing teaching tool is fabulous. However, when the layers of his own life are laid over the truths in Proverbs, like a plastic transparency, we find that wisdom cannot be separated from God. Wisdom must be carefully and humbly integrated into a deep and abiding walk with God, following and obeying Him instead of allowing our hearts to be seduced by our own desires or carried away with these concepts of the “good life!”

Can wisdom be decoupled from God? Can a human being obtain the intelligence, creativity, knowledge and even wisdom apart from God? Absolutely. Case in point, some of the most famous, incredibly smart and capable humans ended up trying to disprove, even oppose God! Folks like Charles Darwin. What a mind. What a passionate drive to study and love the flora and fauna of God’s creation. Yet, he was used to build an entirely new and wickedly designed lie using God’s wisdom – the religion of evolution!

As much as I love wisdom and am thankful for every bit of help it gives me, because I am so socially and emotionally broken – I love God MORE! I love God’s ways, his law, his boundaries and even his correction. I am determined to keep wisdom deeply connected to my relationship with God. And that is not as easy as it sounds.


Is wisdom enough? No, it is not. I need to constantly be giving you more of myself. Surrendering, confessing, repenting, seeking and being utterly satisfied with you and what you’ve given to me. Gratefulness must replace my hunger for more. Thankfulness must conquer my thoughts, aspirations and comparisons. You are the giver of life and everything that’s good in me! You are enough. Amen.

God rattles the religious?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”When they heard this, the high council was furious and decided to kill them. But one member, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, who was an expert in religious law and respected by all the people, stood up and ordered that the men be sent outside the council chamber for a while. Then he said to his colleagues, “Men of Israel, take care what you are planning to do to these men!“ ‭‭Acts‬ ‭5‬:‭33‬-‭35‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The high council, made up of smart, well-bred, wealthy, powerful, RELIGIOUS men were furious! And that anger pushed them to yet another evil, demonic decision – let’s kill these guys as well.

An Angel of the Lord, not only miraculously freed the imprisoned apostles, but told them to get back out there and tell the people the truth – the word (rhéma) of life. Under direct orders from God, they obey and this re-ruffles the feathers of the Sanhedrin (the senate of the Jewish political system). How could the religious get on the wrong side of God Himself? This council of men supposedly worked FOR God, representing His will and His ways.

The Jewish people had a long history of those who would lead them. First it was just Moses, speaking on behalf of God. The people grumbled and complained about him and God had holes swallow some of them up and diseases ravage their bodies until they said they were sorry. Then judges, Godly men AND women (Deborah) to lead and manage the massive 12 tribes of Israel. But Israel wanted a king. So God gave them Saul. There was hundreds of years of kings, some good, but many corrupt and evil. Then, after the last king, Zedekiah, it was the prophets, spokesmen for God. Almost all of them were murdered. Then nothing. No one leading. Silence from heaven, God just quit speaking and quit sending people to guide the nation. So where did this council, this Sanhedrin senate come from?

I believe this council, this “synedrion,”Greek for “sitting together,” came together out of Moses original plan to assemble a group 70 men to help hear the issues, complaints and problems of the people. So, along with Moses it equals 71 men. This group, now exclusively made up of rabbis, scribes and legal experts made up the New Testament’s senate over Israel. There were of course several disagreeing factions even within the Sanhedrin, some known as Pharisees and Sadducees – based on their deeply held theology and theories about God. It was rare for the whole group to agree on anything! Yet, when it came to power, control and upholding the law of God (as they interrupted that law) they were in unity.

Their interpretations of God’s law got so out of control, so filled with anger and judgment, showing no mercy, that they used their interpretation as the standard by which they killed their own promised Messiah. They killed the God they worked for! It makes sense then, if they were to protect their version of the law, they would have to eliminate all challenges and kill all rebels. They thought they put this “false messiah” rebellion, this coo to rest by killing its leader, Jesus. Gamaliel states this himself, there were others who tried and failed. Once the leader was killed, the followers faded. But not with this one, this Jesus, He was different. Gamaliel recognized, it could continued to grow, he said, “But if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!” Oh, how true that is!

Reminds me a little bit of the current factions and disagreements in the big “C,” Church today. In this environment of heresy hunting, cancelling pastors right and left, and pursuing a social media trial and conviction to bury ministries, it feels like we’ve got our own self-righteous, self-declared Sanhedrin all over again. It’s a big black eye on the Church of Jesus, I can tell you that much. It’s embarrassing to watch or hear the juicy gossip, the viral podcasts of those who have fallen or been publicly flogged. Yet, in the midst of us behaving badly, chasing religious zealots or modern day Pharisees, Jesus’ Church keeps going.

The Church of Jesus beats the odds, comes through triumphant and miraculously emerges without spots or wrinkles! Why? Because Jesus said it would! And, despite our internal, self consuming drive for perfection or our interpretation of keeping the NEW COVENANT – God continues to bypass the religious denominations and pours out His Spirit on ALL flesh, rescuing and redeeming thousands of people we deemed irrelevant or disreputable. Men and women leaders of the Church, take care what you are planning to do to these Pastors or ministries! You may find yourselves fighting against God.


Oh, what a time to be alive! What a time to see you move and miraculously rescue us, despite our differences, our theological theories. How exciting to know that You are in control and You never fail! How humbling to know that we are still just broken humans slowly being mended by Your grace. Help us Oh Lord – Your Kingdom come, Your will be done! Amen.

Backsliders Beware.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”Backsliders get what they deserve; good people receive their reward.“ Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The only reason I am highlighting this verse is because I am SHOCKED that the word, “backslider” shows up in the Bible. I thought it was just a churchy word, used for people that once had a relationship with Jesus, but then fell away, aka – slid back to their former life! This really bothers me!

It bothers me because I often heard this word easily roll out of the mouths of folks who dismissively described a person struggling in their faith, going through hard times or even rebelliously denying Christ. I would ask, “what happened to Bill?” Answer, “oh he backslid.” The Hebrew word is real and simple, it’s “sug: to move away, or backslide.” It is often just written, “turning back.”Translating the whole Hebrew thought written out, was much easier to grasp, the “backslider is one who moves away from God because he wants what is in his own heart, more than he wants God.” Okay, I see that happening, in some degree or another, in a lot of people – I even see it show up in my own heart as well! This idea that we are either moving towards God or away from God is a powerful lesson, a warning. I think the Old Testament writers talk about it in terms or softening or hardening our hearts towards God – and His will, not ours.

A heartbreaking picture is shown in C.S. Lewis’ little parable book, “The Great Divorce.” A story about God sending a bus from heaven to hell to pickup anyone that would want to a glimpse of heaven, kind of seeing what they missed out on – like a day trip. But in the story, Lewis describes the community members in hell itself. They seem to all arrive at this “bus stop,” but in complete anger, hate and rebellion immediately make their journey to the interior of hell’s estate. The most evil, he writes, are not only desperately trying to get as far away from God as possible, but far away from any other human contact as well. It’s as if hell is an eternal drive to get further and further away, thus isolating themselves in their own misery. I’m not sure that’s how the Bible describes hell, but I can tell you this, I often see people vehemently trying to get as far away from God as possible! They are often very open, almost proud of it! Many self-disclose hurtful things like saying, “I NEVER really knew God,” like they were lying or faking it the whole time.

Given the context of this backsliding, it is a very sad realization that God allows us to move away, go back, harden our heart, or turn from His grace and mercy. God gives humans this choice! People often complain that believers are trying to “cram religion” down people’s throats. It seems impossible to do so, knowing they have the ultimate choice, not about religion, but about acknowledging the rescue float while they are drowning in the deep sea of their own despair! Since I became a believer at fifteen I have heard this truth, “God does not force Himself on anyone.” I believe that’s mostly true. What I believe is that God still accomplishes His will through humans; His plans and intentions are to save us and all of humanity. And, even though we will fulfill what God has planned, in those moments we are still given a choice to accept or reject Him. What do you think about this?


It is hard for me to imagine rejecting you after all you have done for me, in me and through me. Even through my own sin, my desires are for you and NOT to fulfill the disordered desires in my heart. I am crushed thinking of those who knew you and then make a decision to reject you. I think of the warning in Hebrews, “it is impossible once they have tasted and seen to bring them back to repentance.” God, help us be steadfast in our commitment and keep our hearts soft and obedient in all things before You.

Living right side up in an upside down world.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“But the Lord reigns forever, executing judgment from his throne. He will judge the world with justice and rule the nations with fairness. The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭9‬:‭7‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David writes this Psalm after the victory over Goliath. The Psalm was a song, sung to the tune of “death of a son.” WHAT? A Bible commentary mentions this odd detail about this Psalm, “Upon Muthlabben, or, after the manner according to “death to the Son,” by which some song was known, to whose air or melody the musician is directed to perform this Psalm.” Another admits to the mystery of who this person or what this musical notation is, “To the chief musician upon Muth-labben” which has given rise to infinite conjecture. It may be either upon the death (muth ) of the fool (labben ), as an anagram on Nabal or as Gesenius, “to be chanted by boys with virgins voices,” i.e. in the soprano. Who is Muthlabben, and why did David borrow the tune to give praise to God over the triumph over the Philistines? Apparently, we just don’t know!

Yet, the content of the Psalm is clear, God reigns over all things, all nations and all people. I find it comforting and odd. Comforting that God is completely and totally perfect in judgment and justice. Odd, because that is NOT what many people believe about God! And, clearly God is maligned and misunderstood in modern culture today. God, and “religion,” is blamed for the majority of offenses and pain including slavery, oppression, colonialism, and social inequalities. It matters not that these massive atrocities are because of human sin and selfishness. Who cries and protests of the secular, darwinian, godless barbarity?

Folks proudly declare lies about God as truth and post them as yard signs and bumper stickers. My prayer, similar to David’s is, “Oh Lord, do not let the lies of Satan and humankind obscure or obstruct your goodness from those who seek you!” It’s frustrating to see or hear people call out God to be something He is not. They are 100% wrong about Him. This is further proof of the lies that Satan has permeated and perverted our understanding of God. It becomes difficult to believe and live upright in an upside down worldview. This is the contrarian, revolutionary message of Christ indeed. Jesus’ declaration of truth of who God is, clashes with culture (then and now), but it does so because it bristles against our own self determination and will to be our own god. I want everyone to see God as David saw Him – as a shelter, a refuge, a secure place and safe relationship to run to, not run from.


I have always found these words David wrote, thousands of years ago, to be true! No matter what I’ve done, what I feel or how desperate things look around me – you have always been my safe place. When I am sad, angry, wrong, happy, or fulfilled I can run towards you. My sin, my past, my stinky attitudes are always before me, yet I can still come to you. Thank you for that place of comfort under the shadow of your wings, that cleft in the rock.

Religious brand of yeast.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Later, after they crossed to the other side of the lake, the disciples discovered they had forgotten to bring any bread. “Watch out!” Jesus warned them. “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I am told that yeast has some pretty unique, if not plain freaky properties. IT’S ALIVE! I’m not a baker nor a microbiologist, studying eukaryotes (fungi), so my only experience with “leaven” is eating it in pizza or sourdough bread (yum). When I’m told that it can live forever, if properly fed and tended to, it’s pretty creepy. The fact that yeast has to eat and grows and spreads rapidly gives us the perfect object lesson from the most common household ingredient.

The subject of Biblical leaven is spoken of all through the gospels – zýmē, leaven (yeast); (figuratively) the spreading influence of what is typically concealed (but still very dramatic). Leaven is generally a symbol of the spreading nature of evil. Jesus gave multiple warnings about a particular brand of yeast – the religious brand, known as the Pharisee and Sadducee brand. You could pick it up everywhere that people gathered – water-cooler (city gates), church (temple), and grocery stores (marketplace). By the way, the Jews were only allowed to eat Jewish leavened bread, NOT Gentile’s bread. A simple synopsis, given by a Bible Commentary, highlights the beliefs of these two religious groups: “The doctrines the Pharisees taught were the commandments and inventions of men, the traditions of the elders, and justification by the works of the law: the doctrine of the Sadducees was, that there was no resurrection of the dead, nor angels, nor spirits: now because they sought secretly and artfully to infuse their notions into the minds of men; and which, when imbibed, spread their infection, and made men sour, morose, rigid, and ill natured, and swelled and puffed them up with pride and vanity.”

So there’s the brand of yeast, the mother – the starter! The real beauty of Jesus’ illustrations isn’t just the content of the yeast (the arrogant traditions), it was the insidious spreading of these beliefs that so quickly infected others. Its “mother” is traced back to the garden of eden when the choice was made to believe a lie over the truth. God told the first humans not eat because He himself was to teach them about good and evil. The tree was a shortcut to get the “knowledge” sooner, faster and satisfy their own desires as quickly as possible.

This starter brand of yeast was the choice to sin, and the religious zealots peddled it everywhere they went. The argument about who forgot the bread (while traveling WITH the bread of life) was a sure sign of Pharisee’s and Sadducee’s recipe. Jesus smelled the rising aroma of religious yeast, the division and lack of spiritual awareness, then warned his friends TWICE. Can you smell it?

If we could only smell the difference between the wonderful aroma of unity and spiritual perception rather than the attractive fumes of bitterness, division and solely physical experiences! The rising yeast of one is very different than the other. Jesus’ warning wasn’t that the religious bread stunk and could be identified by a putrid smell. Contrarily, it smelled like human desire, pungent and looking delicious to quickly take it and eat it. BEWARE He said. Maybe a modern axiom would be, “if it smells TOO good to be true.”


I don’t want to eat or promote the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees! I want to know, carry and share the aroma and bread of life – Your gospel – THE truth. Help us see and smell the difference through our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. I noticed it showed up in how the disciples reacted to a problem and then turned to blame each other. Is this how it works? Give us wisdom in these last days to love one another and stay clear of sin’s religious yeast.

Who is still plotting to kill Jesus?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Then the Pharisees called a meeting to plot how to kill Jesus.” Matthew‬ ‭12‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I know it sounds absurd! Weren’t the Pharisees the good guys? Didn’t the religious leaders work for God? How could things get so turned around to the point where they believed that Jesus (God in flesh) was the enemy of God?

For sure, the silence of heaven, when God did not speak for 400 hundred years, was difficult. The Jewish religious experts knew about this because the Talmud teaches, “After the last prophets Chaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi died, the Divine Spirit of prophetic revelation departed from the Jewish people.” And the last book in the Old Testament, Malachi, is the only prophetic book that ends not in deliverance but judgment; in fact, it ends with the word curse, Mal 4:5. One: God was not happy with the stubbornness of His people. Two: the promise to keep their end of the covenant would not be fulfilled.

In short, after 400 years, the Pharisees no longer remembered what God was like! And, the transition from protecting the ways of God to controlling people blinded them from seeing who God was. Jesus did not come in a cloud by day or fire by night. He came as an innocent, helpless baby, born in the most common circumstances of that day.

This is why some religious leaders are still plotting to kill today. They don’t recognize God working! They don’t understand what God is doing among us, so they desire to return to old, extracurricular practices and religious structures to protect what was once cherished, clear and simple. It was never Biblical, but it was an easy interpretation of the “law” or rules that suited the times of change.

The Pharisees were holding the line on certain Old Testament rules. This one was about rules regarding the sabbath. They wanted the people to stay within their designated boundaries and return to the “law” as they interpreted it. This new rabbi Jesus was a rebel! This lawbreaker would be treated like many traitors of God before him! This rabbi didn’t just break their rules, he encouraged others to join him. They must eliminate this rebellion against God! Matthew recorded this in 12:15, “But Jesus knew what they were planning. So he left that area, and many people followed him. He healed all the sick among them,”

Problem is, Jesus is God. What they called rebellion was in fact freedom. Who they saw as an enemy of God was in fact God’s son. What they called an insurrection would later be a resurrection!

Religion, religious practices and rules in addition to God’s principles are still used to control people and attempt to crush rebellion by using the Bible as the stick of correction. Jesus used this phrase so often, “you have heard it said,” referring to the strict, legal application of the Old Testament laws. But then Jesus, giving us the very character and heart of God, said, “but I say…”

We still have enemies of our soul within the community of faith and from without. God will do His work, bringing salvation and redemption to all humans. We should recognize His work, His character and stop plotting to kill the work of those who are being Jesus to our broken world. I know that no one would think they are outright plotting to kill Jesus today. But I do wonder about the motivations and movements of our spiritual and denominational leaders of the Church. Has God been silent and therefore they feel that they need to speak and act more vehemently against culture to protect God, His Church or His people? I don’t want to thwart God’s plans and ways of accomplishing His will by going backwards or religiously restricting us back to rules, rhythms and rituals that didn’t really work in the past. I want to hear God and move with Him.


I certainly do not want to be someone who knows you and kind of works for you (at least in the church community) yet becomes disconnected from you. I don’t want discouragement and frustration to fog or blur your purpose and plans for your Kingdom. I want to see your Spirit thrive and revive, heal and restore broken souls. I want to be a part of the revolution not try to constrain you working among us. Help us God, pour our your Holy Spirit once again.

The law trap.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“But some Pharisees saw them do it and protested, “Look, your disciples are breaking the law by harvesting grain on the Sabbath.” Matthew‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Any casual reader would come upon this story and think to themselves, what law? The religious leaders had made themselves into the religious police. Who protected and promoted God while He was silent? They did. Who protected the sacred texts and cultural ways of God when His people all but abandoned their faith? They did. They had earned the right to speak for God because they believed they were the only ones capable and righteous enough to do so! Thank you for your service Pharisees, but you missed one BIG truth. God didn’t need nor ask you to do that.

The job, the attitude, the title and authority… were all self appointed.

And because, they maintained the persona of “experts,” they spent much of their time being religious monitors for all of what was left of Israel. The average person must have loved and feared having them around. I say loved because they knew they were not as holy or righteous as they should be, so the Pharisees set the standard (unattainable as it was). Hated because they could never be as perfect or righteous as the religious leaders. They had to always be on guard against violating the religious laws and reaping the physical and cultural consequences of their behaviors. Imagine being under the thumb of TWO oppressive systems! One, the Roman oppression, filled with horrible treatment and atrocities, alone with massive taxation. Two, the religious oppression, also filled with glaring judgment and taxation.

The Pharisees delighted in catching and judging violations of “the law.” Granted “the law” had expanded far beyond the big 10 commandments and even beyond the cultural health codes that God had given to Israel to teach them and to help them survive the wild open plains of nomadic living. The religious legal code had swelled to over 613 codes and code violations that were supposed to “help” the righteous obey the original laws and codes God prescribed.

Matthew records one of many times the Pharisees “caught” rabbi Jesus or his followers “breaking” the law. Ah, but a Jesus wasn’t an ordinary rabbi. He wasn’t just trained to know the laws (and codes) of God. He was trained to actually KNOW God Himself. Who knows when Jesus knew who he really was. But, from a very young age (12), Jesus focused his life on one thing – he must be about his Father’s business! And he wasn’t taking about being a stonemason and carpenter.

Jesus was clearly capable of not only knowing God’s law, but perfectly comfortable talking about the intent of those laws and the inevitable “loopholes” that come with them. You see the Pharisees had forever found loopholes that served themselves and those loopholes were used to their advantage and the poor’s disadvantage. You don’t think this irritated God? Jesus had also found loopholes of mercy, which served the intent and principle of the law without violating it. Smart right? Yeah, righteously brilliant!

Jesus’ killer lines to address the Pharisees’ hearts are amazing. “Haven’t you read?” Oh snap, isn’t that the coolest. Oh, my friends, you must have missed the part where God allows for special circumstances 😳. Again, principles can accommodate special circumstances without violating the intent of a law. He quoted David’s and Moses’s behaviors that clearly violated the strict reading of the religious law they had been propagating. Jesus’ name dropping of high-level and beloved leaders was no accident! I love that Jesus even admitted, David “broke the law.” And Moses, “allowed” the priests to break the law as well. Touché Jesus.

But even still, Jesus wasn’t trying to one-up the Pharisees, shaming them (even though they deserved it) or to just win a religious argument (too often done today). His intent was to soften the hardened hearts of the religious leaders who might hear the truth and be set free. He told them exactly where the law leads and why it is so ineffective. Quoting Hosea 6:6, Jesus tells them, “I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.”

The law shows no mercy. The law has no capacity for mercy. In fact, the law is and was used to show the legal and moral reasoning of why judgment MUST be pronounced on all who break it! The system of justice shows no mercy because it is impervious to excuses, causes or reasons for violating it.

People say they want justice for all, but that can hardly be true. We don’t want true justice for all because that would mean true judgment and death for all. None are perfect – we know this instinctively! We just want weird forms of justice on our opinionated, loopholed, lopsided views! Jesus sets up the inescapable truth, mercy is the only way out and He is the only one to show it, live it and prove it by His death and resurrection. We can only get mercy through Christ.


I would not, do want, to be judge by the law! I am fine living and thriving under your mercy and grace! However, seeing my own sinfulness and inability to not just keep the Old Testament Law, but knowing that I am sadly still making sinful decisions keeps my judginess in check. Of course I glare at bad drivers and get angry at bad fathers or husbands, but I also know how much I have failed and how desperate I am for your grace. Thank your for the work of Jesus on the cross for my sin and His resurrection power in me today.

God’s axe to grind.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“But when he saw many Pharisees and Sadducees coming to watch him baptize, he denounced them. “You brood of snakes!” he exclaimed. “Who warned you to flee the coming wrath? Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say to each other, ‘We’re safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.’ That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones. Even now the ax of God’s judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Matthew let’s us know that John the Baptizer and the teachers of the law and ruling class of religious leaders over the Jews did NOT get along nor see eye to eye. So much for being on the same team, right? Why didn’t they like each other, where’s the love and unity here? John had a quick nickname for them – snake broods. Or offspring of snakes.

Interesting that later on Jesus told the religious leaders that they were in fact the kin of their father, the “father” of lies (John 8:44), tying our thoughts to the original garden scene where Satan is the deceiving snake who temps the couple into disbelieving God.

Shocker, these religious leaders were not on the God-squad at all. They were working and cheering for the wrong team. John says, “who warned you?” Had they been listening to John’s messages? Had they been baptized, showing repentance for their sins? Then John says something that Jesus picks up and repeats later in Luke 6:46. John, “prove it by the way you live!” John also drops the good-fruit bearing tree analogy, which Jesus also talks about later in Matthew 7:18, and 12:33.

Does John quote the religious leaders when they were saying, “we’re safe?” Safe from what? Judgment? Eternal fire (Gehenna) or hell? But they were NOT safe, were they? The axe God was grinding was from this very old imagery when God actually did chop down the tree representing Israel many times in the past, but always left the root of the symbolic tree in tact. God spared the “root of Jesse” (Isaiah 11:10).

Jesus is that root and any life, any fruit that would come from that “tree of life,” would live and continue to produce good fruit. However, any branch that did not come from this root, this Jesus’ tree would be SEVERED from its root and thrown into the fire. It’s story, it’s lineage, it’s legacy would not continue. John’s symbol of an axe, is God’s axe of judgment, of finality, the end of Satan’s seeds of lies growing sickly trees filled with rotten fruit. John saw all of this as the religious pretenders walked up as looky-loos wanting the crowds to see that they were on God’s team as well. But they weren’t.


The last thing I would ever want is to be a pretentious pretender, faking my life, my faith and my behaviors to impress everyone. I’m in this for the relationship with you. I’m in this for life, for eternity. My past and my “good deeds,” are not all that impressive when compared to your grace and glory. I do want to be a contender NOT a pretender. I was grafted into this tree of life, of faith because of Jesus. And I absolutely want to produce good fruit, not to prove my salvation, but proving my gratitude.

What is it about the Seven churches in Revelation?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Write this letter to the angel of the church in Smyrna. This is the message from the one who is the First and the Last, who was dead but is now alive: “I know about your suffering and your poverty—but you are rich! I know the blasphemy of those opposing you. They say they are Jews, but they are not, because their synagogue belongs to Satan.” Revelation‬ ‭2:8-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​I don’t spend a lot of time in the book of Revelation. A book of endings. John, the revelator, is writing what he sees and it is filled with mystery, and God summarizing the finality of the story that began in Genesis and now has its apocalyptic conclusions here. John also gives us the letters to the churches, kind of an update on how they are doing and how the gospel either continues to thrive through the people or how it suffers because of sin, error or distractions. John says these letters are from Christ himself who brings praise, correction or judgment to the church’s behavior. There are seven churches listed. Each one, similar has an understanding from God about the struggles they face and most have a complaint or an admonition as well.

The church of Smyrna only has encouragement and a warning of severe suffering ahead. They were already suffering and poor, John notes, but more will be coming. Their enemies are strong and powerful, but God is with them. I find it interesting that these are individual churches in real cities at the time of John’s writing. These are not seven denominations because they all believe in the same thing. At this time there is no mention of differences in doctrine, polity or practics, they are all ONE church under Jesus. I think each church was too busy struggling for their life, or their sin to be splitting hairs over styles of worship (hymns, choruses, sitting or hands raised), sermons (exegetical, verse by verse, practical, or series), or even church management (elder led, pastor led, congregational, or committee). They were just living or not living the gospel and doing the best they could.

Did you know that some New Testament cities still have a “church” in them? Granted, most are just buildings and do not have a gospel witness through a group of people. Some of the buildings are now tourist attractions only. Some of the cities mentioned have no churches, building or otherwise in them. Take Ephesus for example, they have a lot of monuments and ancient ruins, but no thriving gospel witness in town at all.

The gospel itself is still going out to ALL the world and there are some places that it has not been able to go, thus no church presence has been formed. Much of the emphasis of missions continues to take the message of faith, of grace to these areas where the name of Jesus has not been heard. In the nineties, the church focused on the “10/40” window, highlighting the geographic equator lines where it has been difficult to share the message of Christ. The 10/40 window also refers to the “poorest of the poor” in our world. In the past ten years, there have been so many internal, political struggles within those areas, namely wars and genocides, that refugees have fled their own countries and migrated all over the world. These have been extraordinary opportunities for the them to hear the gospel message. Even in the darkest of political climates and radical religious oppression, God has been speaking to thousands through dreams. Through these powerful dreams, God has put a yearning, a curiosity in the hearts of men and women to find this Jesus that appears to them while they are sleeping. In these last days, we may have difficulty getting the gospel into a nation, but God is supernaturally bringing them out. Some of them may even be your neighbors! You might find yourself being a missionary on your own block!


I am so grateful you found me! I am so grateful for THE Church. I am so grateful for my local church as well. The body of Christ coming together to worship, pray and hear your Word. It is both encouraging and challenging these days because of another round of “falling way.” However, your Church will go on and your gospel will go out because you love us and have made a way for anyone who believes!

How could religion can be so off mission?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees watched Jesus closely. If he healed the man’s hand, they planned to accuse him of working on the Sabbath. But Jesus knew their thoughts. He said to the man with the deformed hand, “Come and stand in front of everyone.” So the man came forward. Then Jesus said to his critics, “I have a question for you. Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?” He looked around at them one by one and then said to the man, “Hold out your hand.” So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! At this, the enemies of Jesus were wild with rage and began to discuss what to do with him.” Luke‬ ‭6:7-11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

How could things have gone so far off-mission? We have the teachers of religious law and we have Jesus, completely human and God. And, they don’t agree on the correct interpretation nor the intent of God’s law. So the gospel writers give us these little “show-downs.”

Over the hundreds of years the scribes appointed by Ezra were asked to fulfill an important role on behalf of God. God never asked Ezra to assign this to a specific class of men, but it started out so simple, what could be the harm? The scribes duties were as caretakers: protect the law, the temple and the priesthood. Don’t MAKE laws or create systems to care for the temple or elevate and secure the priests to positions of power and wealth. Just help Israel keep God’s stuff in good working order.

Then over many hundreds of years through captivity and wars, and two complete cultural collapses of Judaism, the scribes took on the role of the Israeli secret police per se. They were the watchdogs of everything sacred and meaningful to the Jewish people. It is both surprising and heroic that they were successful in their pursuits and that the law, the temple system and priesthood were still in tact and operational by the time Christ is born and Israel/Judaism is still alive!

The names changed from simple scribes to Pharisees and Sadducees, but their roles had only increased in power and authority. By the time Jesus was thirty, these guys ran EVERYTHING. These “religious leaders” were now wealthy, powerful and very politically involved (too involved). I’ve written this before, but I’m kind of surprised Jesus didn’t THANK them for doing such a fantastic job protecting God’s stuff for him! They actually did keep things going!

Ah, but I’m also surprised that Jesus never had a conversation like this, “Did you guys forget who you work for?” You look and behave nothing like any of the prescribed attendants that Moses wrote about. I’m shocked that Jesus didn’t just directly tell them, “you’re supposed to work for me!”

These stories of conflict over the law and its practical application are how we know the religious leaders were OFF MISSION. The law was FOR people. God’s law was created for people, not people created for the law! Jesus question struck at the heart of the conflict about the Sabbath, “is this a day to SAVE life or DESTROY it? This question would apply to ALL of God’s laws really. Was the law created to save or destroy humans? That one is tricky. Of course it was created to save humans. However, it was also created to give us a clear standard of perfection that would prove how selfish and self-centered we really are. No one was able to keep all of the big ten. And anyone that could not keep the entire big ten would be judged and sentenced for NOT keeping ALL of them!

But, back to the story. Jesus was furious that these self-elevated scribes had so twisted God’s intention – that HEALING on the holy day would be even considered WORK! How horribly wrong could they be? As religious leaders they should have been FIRED and smoked!

Luke writes about the audacity of their complete and utter misunderstanding of their mission. They were NOT protecting they were perpetrating! And they were angry, wild with rage AT God for allowing such a flagrant disregard for all the work they done to perfect themselves. How dare God question our laws! Well now you see now what the fight was all about and who wins. Humans will always create their own laws and their own pitiful paths to perfection. Sad huh? So don’t be like that. And, don’t try to hold others to some ridiculous alternative plan to salvation. It will never work and you’ll end up working against God not for him.


Wow! I do not want my pretentious, religiosity to ever create some false system of salvation for me or anyone else. I get why the Apostles were so frustrated and angry at the regular and ongoing attempts to create these alternative doctrines trying to circumvent the mission of Jesus being the only way to salvation. No additions, no subtractions!