Backsliders Beware.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”Backsliders get what they deserve; good people receive their reward.“ Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The only reason I am highlighting this verse is because I am SHOCKED that the word, “backslider” shows up in the Bible. I thought it was just a churchy word, used for people that once had a relationship with Jesus, but then fell away, aka – slid back to their former life! This really bothers me!

It bothers me because I often heard this word easily roll out of the mouths of folks who dismissively described a person struggling in their faith, going through hard times or even rebelliously denying Christ. I would ask, “what happened to Bill?” Answer, “oh he backslid.” The Hebrew word is real and simple, it’s “sug: to move away, or backslide.” It is often just written, “turning back.”Translating the whole Hebrew thought written out, was much easier to grasp, the “backslider is one who moves away from God because he wants what is in his own heart, more than he wants God.” Okay, I see that happening, in some degree or another, in a lot of people – I even see it show up in my own heart as well! This idea that we are either moving towards God or away from God is a powerful lesson, a warning. I think the Old Testament writers talk about it in terms or softening or hardening our hearts towards God – and His will, not ours.

A heartbreaking picture is shown in C.S. Lewis’ little parable book, “The Great Divorce.” A story about God sending a bus from heaven to hell to pickup anyone that would want to a glimpse of heaven, kind of seeing what they missed out on – like a day trip. But in the story, Lewis describes the community members in hell itself. They seem to all arrive at this “bus stop,” but in complete anger, hate and rebellion immediately make their journey to the interior of hell’s estate. The most evil, he writes, are not only desperately trying to get as far away from God as possible, but far away from any other human contact as well. It’s as if hell is an eternal drive to get further and further away, thus isolating themselves in their own misery. I’m not sure that’s how the Bible describes hell, but I can tell you this, I often see people vehemently trying to get as far away from God as possible! They are often very open, almost proud of it! Many self-disclose hurtful things like saying, “I NEVER really knew God,” like they were lying or faking it the whole time.

Given the context of this backsliding, it is a very sad realization that God allows us to move away, go back, harden our heart, or turn from His grace and mercy. God gives humans this choice! People often complain that believers are trying to “cram religion” down people’s throats. It seems impossible to do so, knowing they have the ultimate choice, not about religion, but about acknowledging the rescue float while they are drowning in the deep sea of their own despair! Since I became a believer at fifteen I have heard this truth, “God does not force Himself on anyone.” I believe that’s mostly true. What I believe is that God still accomplishes His will through humans; His plans and intentions are to save us and all of humanity. And, even though we will fulfill what God has planned, in those moments we are still given a choice to accept or reject Him. What do you think about this?


It is hard for me to imagine rejecting you after all you have done for me, in me and through me. Even through my own sin, my desires are for you and NOT to fulfill the disordered desires in my heart. I am crushed thinking of those who knew you and then make a decision to reject you. I think of the warning in Hebrews, “it is impossible once they have tasted and seen to bring them back to repentance.” God, help us be steadfast in our commitment and keep our hearts soft and obedient in all things before You.