Ambiance of the future city.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“No longer will you need the sun to shine by day, nor the moon to give its light by night, for the Lord your God will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Your sun will never set; your moon will not go down. For the Lord will be your everlasting light. Your days of mourning will come to an end.” Isaiah‬ ‭60:19-20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Isaiah gets to describe some environmental aspects of the future city of God. For the past seventy+ years folks have been describing the future of humanity. It’s been quite the phenomenon to project what people think is a possibility.

Writers and screenwriters, with books and movies have been guessing at it for a long time. Many are dystopian and dark. Some are fantastically modern, with A.I., robots and super utopian possibilities. I think of authors like George Orwell, in his book 1984, written in 1949 describes a horrible version of government and “big brother.” It was so bizarre to experience 1984 and be thankful that most of Orwell’s predictions had not come true.

There’s plenty of hope-filled, peaceful projections as well. Most of these are about everyone being blandly similar in a weird idealistic socialism kind of way. And of course, these rosey projections have all solved our selfishness and greed, hate and murderous nature which magically translates into “fixing” the environment.

Isaiah, hearing this straight from God himself takes a completely different approach. He defines the future, for the people of God, as good as God himself! These couple of verses seem to defy our understanding of even light itself. Isaiah just announces, “you’ll no longer need the sun or the moon!” What? Wow. Way to go God. As Jesus himself said, He is the light of the world, and in Him there is no darkness (literally and metaphysically). This future city, this New Jerusalem – heaven itself, will be absolutely lit by God who is everlasting light. And this is just one aspect of the future for believers. Those who love sunshine and light will be so happy 😁- me with 🤚🏼 raised.

This is a major benefit to those who know God and believe in Jesus! God has a beautiful future planned. Where all sin, all suffering, all pain and all mourning will not exist. You may think it’s impossible, but God created everything we’ve ever seen or experienced in this world. And He created us in perfection with none of the dark shadows and downsides to our existence. Sin, our sin, is what changed all that. With sin permanently removed from the equation – perfection in all things will RESET back to the original plan.


Life, here on earth, with all of its beauty and splendor must pale in comparison to heaven and the new earth. This is the only the reflection. And life, even living within the confines of the curse, is also a unique and amazing experience. One the angels, who were also created, will never experience. Of course it is filled with horrendous acts of hate and depravity, but it is also filled with tremendous acts of love and goodness. I see both just walking my own neighborhood! In this strange, paradox of mystery it is hard to look outside of my circumstances and daily situations to see you at work redeeming and saving us. However, I know your Word is true and I know that you are trustworthy. Both have been proven and experienced over the past forty-five years since you saved me. Living here and thinking about this future utopia of grace in your presence is hard. Yet, taking just a few moments to clear away all that is happening in my world, and reading Isaiah’s optimistic words I can see the future – and it will be spectacular!