Bringing it full circle.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This letter is from John, the elder. I am writing to the chosen lady and to her children, whom I love in the truth—as does everyone else who knows the truth— because the truth lives in us and will be with us forever. Grace, mercy, and peace, which come from God the Father and from Jesus Christ—the Son of the Father—will continue to be with us who live in truth and love. How happy I was to meet some of your children and find them living according to the truth, just as the Father commanded. ‭‭2 John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

John, writing to the Church and the children of the Church is ecstatic (exceedingly rejoicing) to find out that some are still walking with Jesus!

John says, he finds them “living according to the truth,” NLT translation. Here the Greek is much more specific and full of meaning. John uses the word, “peripatéō,” from two Greek words – walk and around. It’s a picture of completion, of closure, to walk around to complete a circuit or coming “full circle.” Whys that important? The old phrase, “God’s got no grandchildren,” comes to mind.

Each person, each family member needs to make their own decision of believing and following Jesus. Some believe, but don’t follow! Some seem to follow, but don’t really believe. Being raised in a Christian household or going to church their whole life, can be the best or the worst experience, depending on their own faith being anchored in Christ or casually taken as a family heritage. I’ve heard it said hundreds of times, “My FAMILY is…. Catholic.” Or whatever their religious experience growing up. There is more than just an age of accountability, knowing God exists. There is also an age of personal responsibility, a lifelong commitment to follow Christ.

John’s excitement is met with another possibility; some, but not all of our children will walk in truth 😢. There have been plenty of books, discussions and podcasts concerning the “children of the Church,” walking away from Jesus, from truth. Whether it’s church hurt, or they believe God is too boring or too weak, mean or unfair – some are not coming full circle of the faith of their parents or spiritual leaders.

Can we, as representatives of the chosen lady, the Church do better? Yes, we can and should! Yet, some will choose to believe and live for Christ and others will not. Should we love them any less, or treat them as apostates? Absolutely not. John’s admonition is to love ONE ANOTHER, but he takes a seriously hard line when it comes to the truth of Christ! He writes in vs 9-11, “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.” I don’t plan on excommunicating anyone, nor denying children of the Church hospitality, but the seriousness of spurning Christ is real.


This is such a tough topic these days! I am sure there have been thousands of cycles of faith and denial over the eons. Are we in a period of a “cleansing of Your Church.” Is this the winnowing Jesus spoke of? It is so disheartening to hear of so many who seemingly gave up or walked away. Yet, I pray that your powerful grace and mercy, your rich love and kindness will lead all of those who’ve wandered, back to repentance, back home to you! Amen.

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