Compelled to go?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Spirit then compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness, where he was tempted by Satan for forty days. He was out among the wild animals, and angels took care of him. Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I have read this story, and these words, dozens of times. Mark’s gospel is gritty and filled with gut-wrenching reality checks – if we slow down and read it without the preconceived, sermonized pictures in our head, it’s powerful. Mark’s short, punchy delivery is what makes it so shocking! Just a couple verses ahead of the Spirit compelling, Mark has Jesus being baptized, heavens splitting, the Holy Spirit descending and a voice from heaven declaring the Father’s love for his son! Whhhhhaaaattt? Then… the Spirit says GO!

Of course, the other gospels take much more time to develop the details of these moments. Matthew gives the baptism five verses, with a lot of background on John the Baptizer. Luke gives us two verses on baptism, but thirteen verses on Jesus temptation in the desert. John has six verses about Jesus baptism, but none on his desert experience. All three Spirit compelled journalists write about Jesus’ being led (anagó or agó), but Mark chooses a different word to describe what the Spirit of God did to lead Jesus’ to His missional, next steps. Mark writes, the Spirit compelled (ekballo: I throw, cast, put out, banish) “ballo” to throw or cast and “ek” is just out. Obviously, the Spirit “leading” is so much more gentle, even delightful.

Mark wanted us to know it was much more forceful, kind of like God kicking the first couple out of Eden and facing life with their newfound “knowledge” of evil! No more walks with God in the cool of the good and gorgeous environment of Eden, it’s the hard knock life of toiling and the reality of facing a formidable enemy! Jesus was banished to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit.

Why I am being so dramatic about Mark’s brief, but powerful word-choice picture? Hello! If we think for one moment that God would take His own Son and banish him to face the struggles and challenges of a wilderness experience. Then leave him to have a world-class showdown with Satan himself at Jesus’ weakest moment in body, soul and spirit. Why would we believe that God would not or will not do something similar with us? The Spirit of God pushed Jesus out there!

For those who know God, listen to God, and choose to follow Him there could be a Spirit-compelled invitation to walk with Him in a wild-wilderness, even a sifting, shaking temptation season of our life! It seems, this experience was the first step on Jesus’ agenda to be on mission! Go out and begin to RECLAIM Eden for all of us! For Eve, the tree was beautiful, delicious and would give her wisdom. For Jesus, the bread loaves were beautiful. The ideation of his indestructible durability was irresistible. And, the promise of ultimate control and power was palpable. The snare of taking a shortcut was set – there was a better way, a less painful way, an easier path if Jesus so desired. The good life on this planet could be his and humanity would be lost forever.

God sent Jesus out there, would I go? Would you? Because Jesus faced those temptations, we will too. However, because Jesus won those battles, we can too!


Whew! What a powerfully deep thought for the day. I can’t say that I have been compelled or pushed out into a wilderness to purposefully be exposed and exhausted. Then to face the lures and snares of Satan, designed specifically to my longings and desires. I certainly don’t remember a season like that. But I do know what it’s like to hear, see and feel the glitter of those shiny-lights of promise to just have my own way and yield to, give into, whatever my flesh (as Paul puts it) wants. I am definitely aware of those battles! It gives me hope that Jesus willingly accepted the challenge to reclaim Eden and win back even the ability for me to say “NO” and walk away. I am thankful for your mercy! Amen.