Concerning God’s first house.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“It was in midspring, in the month of Ziv, during the fourth year of Solomon’s reign, that he began to construct the Temple of the Lord. This was 480 years after the people of Israel were rescued from their slavery in the land of Egypt.” 1 Kings‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Bible gives specific dates about when construction began on the Temple – 480 years after leaving Egypt. There are some fascinating details in this chapter about the building of the temple. First of all, remember, God told David, He didn’t really need a permanent place to visit (1 Chronicles 17:5) Andy Stanley says, “God is a mobile God!” I love that. God also told David, that Solomon would build the temple, but He would only continue to visit as long as the people obeyed His commands (2 Chronicles 7:19-20).

The temple was massively ginormous. It was constructed in near silence vs. 7. And, it was elaborately gorgeous! The chapter ends telling us the construction took seven years! Wow – what an extraordinary achievement in ancient times. But for all the beauty in architecture and decor, in all the detail of perfection in the design and flow of what would take place in God’s first house – it was completely eclipsed by one thing and only one thing. God’s presence! Solomon dedicated the temple in 1 Kings chapter 8 by bringing the Ark of the Covenant in and invoking an amazing prayer of dedication over the building.

God answers by reminding Solomon and the people of His promise. If they are obedient, one of David’s sons will always rule on the throne. If they disobey the commands of God, He will uproot Israel and reject the temple (1 Kings 9:6-7). Solomon and the people of Israel DID NOT keep their promises, disregarding and disobeying God’s laws. But God kept His promise, eventually placing an everlasting King on the throne – Jesus Christ, the Messiah! God also moved His presence, with all of His laws, ways, decrees and desires into a permanent place – into the hearts of those who believe and follow Jesus as Lord.


We are now your dwelling place! You have come and written your laws on our hearts, instead of inscribing them on stone. We are now the temple, yet you are still mobile because we are living and moving around, carrying the your Spirit within us. Thank you for abiding in hearts of flesh. Thank you for dwelling among us from within. Because of Jesus, you have not only kept your promise, you have made it possible for us to keep our promises through Christ’s own righteousness. Amen.