Daniel’s extraordinary experience in Babylon.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Let this be recorded for future generations, so that a people not yet born will praise the Lord. Tell them the Lord looked down from his heavenly sanctuary. He looked down to earth from heaven to hear the groans of the prisoners, to release those condemned to die. And so the Lord’s fame will be celebrated in Zion, his praises in Jerusalem, when multitudes gather together and kingdoms come to worship the Lord. Psalms‬ ‭102‬:‭18‬-‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

To read the full story about Daniel and his rise to power, serving as an advisor to King Nebuchadnezzar, as well as rising above the evil subterfuge and plans to have him killed, you need to read the book he wrote about his life in captivity. A quick search of “Daniel in the Bible,” will give you the quick summary of his life.

One commentator summarizes it well, Jack Zavada writes, “Daniel was a young man of Jewish nobility taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar in the third year of Jehoiakim and renamed Belteshazzar. He was trained in the king’s court and then elevated to a high rank in the Babylonian and Persian kingdoms. Daniel the prophet was only a teenager when introduced in the book of Daniel and was an old man at the close of the book, yet never once in his life did his faith in God waver.” Another writes that “Daniel was the most learned man in the Old Testament and most thoroughly trained for his important role in history and literature.” Daniel had revelatory dreams, he also interpreted dreams and was an advisor to several kings during Israel’s captivity.

This Psalm captures the deep heartache that Daniel carried for his beloved people. Even though he lived most of his life surrounded by the elite, wealthy and powerful politicians of Babylon, he was not swayed nor distracted by their success. He kept his heart pure and his mind focused on God! Daniel writes this Psalm as Israel prepares to be released after 70 years of captivity.

Now, as the nation faces going home to complete devastation of their city and their homes, they are free but have to rebuild and start over. Their temple had been rebuilt, but it was nowhere near the glory of their first one. Nehemiah oversaw the miraculous rebuilding of the city walls, so they would be safe. But there was so much to do and the entire nation had to come to the realization that they had seriously sinned and God had disciplined them severely for it.

Daniel writes a key phrase, “let this be recorded for future generations.” It was tough, but God brought them through. It was humiliating, but God rescued them once again. Daniel wanted the future children to remember. Not the struggles, not the groanings, not the heavy load of accountability for their behaviors – no. Daniel wanted them to remember God saw them, God delivered them and God would restore them! God is worthy of worship!!!

This is a lesson for us who have lived and seen the marvelous miracles and historical moves of God on our nation and in His Church. Whatever discipline, whatever chastisement we have deserved, God is faithful to see us, deliver us and restore His Church to be that spotless, wrinkle-free bride before Jesus returns! God has shown Himself worthy throughout our human history and He will continue to do so.

So for us, we can take Daniel’s advice, his admonition, to gather together as followers of Jesus, as His Church, and come to worship the Lord! I believe a spiritual revolution is coming! So I want to be REUNION READY for those who will come home, those who will turn their hearts toward God and believe!


I am, we are as the Church, being prepared for you to pour out Your Spirit on this beautiful blue globe, in our nation, states and cities. We are waiting for you to pour out Your Spirit of truth, lifting the blindness from our eyes that promise unfulfilled lies. We will witness the supernatural move of Your Spirit once again – maybe for the last time before Jesus returns for the final days of justice and end of all things here on this planet. May Your fame be celebrated throughout the earth! Amen.