Delayed judgment gratification.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Please, God, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me. May those who try to kill me be humiliated and put to shame. May those who take delight in my trouble be turned back in disgrace. Let them be horrified by their shame, for they said, “Aha! We’ve got him now!” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭70‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David wrote this Psalm while running from his own son, Absalom, who wanted to take the throne by force. Yet, in David’s fear and desperation, he writes a prophetic/messianic Psalm projecting the future moments leading up to Jesus, on trial for blasphemy, and eventual judgment of death on a cross like a common criminal.

The prayer of Jesus, in the garden, asking that this “cup” may pass. Maybe not the cup of suffering alone, but the cup of wrath, the moment God, the Father, would turn away, not able to look at His only son. The one and only time, EVER, the intimate presence of the Father, His full and complete love, would not be felt on the cross. Yes, this Psalm was most likely on the lips of Jesus in the garden and in his thoughts while hanging on the cross. “Please God, rescue me!” The rest of David’s Psalm though, would not be uttered by Jesus on the cross. All the judgment, shame and disgrace that you and I deserve would be stored up and poured upon Jesus that one very dark afternoon around 3:00 pm. The cursing of shame and disgrace would not be wished upon the crowd that jeered. All the hatred of humanity being shouted at Jesus, masking their own culpability of lies and murder, would be quietly confronted by a different prayer, a whole different ending to David’s desire for justice and revenge.

Jesus’ prayer was, “Father forgive them,” they just don’t know any better. Jesus’ rewriting Psalm 70 asked that all the retribution of judgment be redirected on him and He asked that they (all of humanity) be forgiven. Are you mad at God? He’s forgiven you. Do you hate God for something that happened to you, something you blame Him for? He’s forgiven you. Why? Because the perfection and blamelessness of Jesus, took your gripes and grief and paid the price for you to even hold those feelings of ill-will towards God and others. This Easter, drop your charges against God! He’s not who you think He is. He loves and forgives you.


Even with all the crummy things that happened in my life as a child and through youth, I never held you responsible for it. I didn’t carry a grudge, thinking you had cursed my family and that I was just stuck with it. I knew my moms and dads were broken. I knew the way they chose to live out their lives was not healthy nor helpful to me. But I also knew that without some kind of massive miracle and change in my own ways, I would end up just like them! You were that miracle. You reaching out to me and offering life would be my one chance to get out of generational cycles of pain, addictions and dysfunction. Yet still, I knew that I needed forgiveness for my own decisions that could never be blamed on my origin story. Thank you for permanently not just delaying judgment that I deserved, but removing it completely through Jesus death on the cross.