Enemies and snares oh my.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Praise the Lord, who did not let their teeth tear us apart! We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap. The trap is broken, and we are free! Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalms‬ ‭124‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Certainly in ancient times the world was a delicate balance of violence seeking peace or peace just in the edge of violence. In my world and in these times, I do not face a neighboring country or people who want to tear us apart and enslave us. That doesn’t mean it isn’t happening around the globe. I’m fact it is for many countries and people groups. It may be the norm!

Who are my enemies that present a real and present danger? At one point, about five years ago, I had one. Yeah, just one I could identify, but with the help of God I was able to escape with just my ego and bank account bruised. These enemies, David wrote about were very real and persistently trying to kill him. I do not have anyone trying to hunt me down and kill me.

The only enemies I can identify are more spiritual in nature. One is certainly Satan himself, the deceiver, liar and very real threat. The other one is sadly my own mind. I struggle with what Daniel Amen calls, ANTS – automatic negative thoughts (brainmd.com). Just an overwhelming sense that there is always more to be done and I’m not skilled enough to do it all. After going through a series called “Content,” and focusing on the word “enough” instead of “more,” I’m realizing that God has ALWAYS been good to me and that He is enough in my cravings for more, but also I am simply “enough” in who He made me to be! I can only be me and can only do me. To keep those healthy boundaries, I have to remind people around me, “I am not you,” in other words, I can’t approach problems or fix them like someone else. And, “I can’t be great at everything!”

Life and leadership sometimes feels like it moves too fast for me to process what is happening, in real time, around me. And when I’m overwhelmed I just freeze up! I shut down. I get stuck. So between the devil lying, manipulating and just mucking up my life along with my own brain betrayal, telling me I can’t do certain things well – the snares are set and I step right into both of them.

David’s war-cry declaration is just as valid now as it was for him in ancient times – Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!!! The snare is broken and we can escape.


I desperately need your help to reframe all that is going on in my life and in our world. I need to see and feel your perspective, your plan, your will and desire. With expectations piling up around me and having to address old fears of failure, my own social delays and pure lack of leadership experience – I need you and cannot accomplish eternal things without your Spirit. Break the snares and traps set to stop me. Free me to be who you created me to be and do the work you called me to accomplish. I am yours, always and forever.