Is Proverbs a Pollyannic, positive thinking pusher?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you!” Proverbs‬ ‭11:27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Wowza! Talk about a cycle of self fulfilling prophecy, right? Whatever you look for, you’re sure to find it. This could be a conversation about your job, family, relationship, life or even your church.

If you put on the “evil” lens glasses everyday, guess what? Yeah, everything looks evil! If you put on “good” lens, you see… you get it.

Previously this was called putting on “Rose colored” glasses or seeing a Pollyanna perspective in all things. There are plenty of idioms about being a half-glasser, and whether it’s full or empty.

I’ve spoken with folks who are critical, suspect or conspiratists about almost anything. Their defense? “I’m a realist,” they say. Are they happy being a realist? No, I don’t believe they are. They are just super low on the trust factor.

The wisdom writers are not trying to make grand sweeping, total lifestyle statements. They are just stating a truth, a wisdom nugget to remember.

Was the Apostle Paul being a Pollyannist by telling the churches in Philippi, “If…” If there is anything excellent. If there is anything worthy of praise. Think about these things.” (Phil 4:8). There may not be excellence or praise in EVERYTHING going on in our lives, but there is bound to some!

Look for it, search for it. Hold onto that thought rather than letting evil or gossip, anger or hatred drag your soul down to the darkness of the abyss.


Not only do I need your favor in living this life and following Jesus. We need your help to find favor by our choices of what we focus on, what we choose to dwell on. As our friends and family struggle to claw our way out of a post-pandemic, highly divided season of life, please God – help us find good. Help us search for good. Help us to FIX our gaze on the hope that you are in control, that you are at work in the messes we’ve made, that you are WITH US even in our suffering. Thank you for your grace and mercy that is new and fresh and given to us each and everyday.