No coincidence, only providence.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Soon Pharaoh’s daughter came down to bathe in the river, and her attendants walked along the riverbank. When the princess saw the basket among the reeds, she sent her maid to get it for her. When the princess opened it, she saw the baby. The little boy was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This must be one of the Hebrew children,” she said.” Exodus‬ ‭2‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Moses records his own origin story. It is remembered and written in such a gentle, peaceful style. However, living in those moments were not peaceful, nor gentle. The situation was dire and filled with fear of an unknown future. We read this as history, but honestly it’s telling of a fact: Nothing is coincidental! We have to shift our thinking to the truth – EVERYTHING is providential. Everything, you ask? Yes, everything. Our limited scope of time and understanding of eternity makes this difficult. Plus, our distrust and awful stereotypes of God put us at a huge disadvantage of seeing God as GOOD. God is always right, true and good. We tend to review every crisis, death, loss or disaster as either random or predetermined. God’s foreknowledge and sovereignty does not equal predetermination of evil that is perpetrated on humanity. God did not create humans to delight in destroying them! His delight is in loving us and being intimately involved in our lives.

Moses birth story and his entire life story is an amazing story of providential miracles to tell US the bigger story of God from Genesis to Revelation. The Pharaoh, over the largest superpower civilization of its day, made a self-determined decision that the Jewish people were a threat. The same people that God used Joseph’s own difficult path to save the Jews and SAVE Egypt. This Pharaoh, not the Joseph Pharaoh, FEARED the hardworking, humble, grateful Jewish people would rise up and take over his kingdom. God, of course had completely different plans for his people, and it wasn’t to take over and occupy Egypt. God had another spot on the earth for the Jewish people to call their own.

Pharaoh, using genocide as a population deterrent, ordered the killing of all Jewish baby boys. From early on, we can see Satan’s plan to stop God’s plan of redeeming humans by starting with the elimination of God’s people, God’s plan and God’s promises. God made promises to His people and to the entire planet. Satan’s plans always include trying to make God out to be a liar and a promise breaker! It never worked and it never will. God is truth, His promises are guaranteed. If even one of them is not fulfilled, God would not be God.

Pharaoh’s decree was followed and an unknown amount of baby boys were put to death. We see this evil, genocidal plan repeated all throughout human history! But God saw Moses and what Moses would become before time ever began! From the moment Moses’ mother, Jochebed, had the brilliant idea of putting her baby boy in his own boat and float him down the river, (technically “throwing the hebrew boy” into the river, as Pharaoh had commanded) to the delightfully providential surprise that one of Pharaoh’s own daughters would find him. It’s all in God’s hands, His will was directing the entirety of Moses’s story.

Wow! Following even a fraction of Moses’ life story is amazing! The miracles, the drama, the detail – I love it. It makes me think of my own life, from beginning until now. To just realize that none of it was coincidental, none of it an accident or a mistake – is pretty overwhelming! But for me to take all that I know about God and all that I know about my own history and realize that God is not just deeply involved, He’s fully in control. And, to think about that same God inviting me to be a part of His grand story is humbling and encouraging. Our lives are a small part of what God is doing to bring about his will on earth as it is in heaven! To allow our sin, sorrow, brokenness and redemption to serve His BIG plan is so cool. It’s more than cool – it’s providential.


First of all, bravo on the amazing ways you have kept and recorded your story in oral, then written form that has survived and flourished for thousands of years! Your Word has endured, just as you promised that it would. I am thankful that you have always been in control, and always be in control over ALL things – including my own life. I am grateful to be a part of Your story and that my own story might be useful to You and anyone else.