SA – Spiritual Awareness

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“People may be right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their heart.” Proverbs‬ ‭21:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I don’t know if you follow this trend idea but emotional intelligence and self awareness are HUGE buzz words in leadership and engagement with teams. Emotional intelligence is the ability to “read the room.” That room may one person you said something offensive or insensitive to and didn’t even know it. That room may be filled with coworkers and you’ve told some old distasteful joke and everyone gets quiet, but you don’t notice. Self awareness is taking a read on your own words and behaviors. Both phrases have the ability to check yourself when you’ve gone verbally rabid. IF, you have a decent EQ score.

This wisdom proverb catches a layer of humanity that goes further, deeper into our soul. How many of us can be Spiritually intelligent or aware? Can we improve and get better at such things? I believe that followers of Jesus, who are soaked in the Spirit of God, can and will work on listening to the voice of God!

And do so not just to check ourselves but check the spiritual situational awareness around us as well. We MAY be correct in our perspective and rights, but to tap into what God is doing goes far beyond our own will and desires. There are so many Bible verses about how we humans look at each other. We judge by what we see. Of course, when it comes to others “seeing” us we want to be judged our past, our story, our reasons for what we said or did. However, in every interaction of relationship there’s a third party perspective- God himself. What does God see, what does God want? God always looks into and examines our hearts.

God looked into Cain’s heart, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve and saw his outward appearance, “Why do you look so dejected?” the Lord asked Cain. But God simultaneously looked into his heart and openly addressed it with Cain. God said, “Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” Genesis‬ ‭4:6-7‬ ‭NLT‬‬. Who better to peer into the mysterious areas of our own thoughts, feelings and attitudes but God? Of course our actions and behaviors are important and matter, both good and evil. But God sees the motivations behind our behaviors.

For me, Spiritual Awareness always starts with myself before I ever venture out to poke around in other people’s hearts. I always tell our family about situational awareness, knowing who and what is happening around them at all times while in public places. I need to balance that by also talking about our spiritual awareness of not just ourselves but also those around us.


As believers, I think we all need to increase our spiritual awareness. Not just to take a read on ourselves but also to read the room where others may be hurting. Can you help us remember that your always watching and always working?