The poop-slinger and it’s posse.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians‬ ‭6:10-12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Calling out the liar. The Apostle Paul, prolific writer of much of the New Testament, calls a spade a spade. But first, his admonition is to remind us where our focus and our (followers of Jesus) strength should come from – the Lord!

I love it! To be EMPOWERED in Jesus, endunamoó: to empower. That “dunamis” he speaks of is an overwhelmingly, supernatural power that comes from the creator himself! That power that raised Christ from the dead and dwells in those who believe. That is where our perfect and complete dominion comes from. It’s good for us to get that in our heads and hearts.

Paul then defines for us a real and capable enemy. It is because of this enemy that we should armor up. Every piece, an object lesson from what soldiers, warriors wore in the first century, just to give a visual.

Paul re-introduces the enemy by name… the LIAR, more specifically, the SLANDERER. It’s translated as diabolos, the devil, but that word has no real meaning then nor today. This creature cast out of heaven and thrown to earth is the “lie-thrower.” This fallen angel has taken up the chief position of being the one to bring charges, to constantly hurl complaints, accusations and slanderous lies to the battle in our minds. It feels like Diabolos describes most every modern politician and ridiculous bill on the ballot today – our mailboxes, spam texts and media messages are filled with lies because we have a midterm election coming up this November 8, 2022.

Just name any and every bad-actor on the world stage today and their backer is the diabolos. Paul says that pretty clearly. Don’t look at these evil puppets, playing their roles, look up the strings and see who’s holding the sticks! We are NOT fighting against humans, but evil rulers and authorities of the UNSEEN world, mighty powers and evil spirits in heavenly places. And for them, for that kind of battle, we need a lot more than weak words and cheap, repetitive memes on social media. We need more than protests and angry exchanges of sound bytes. We need powerful prayers of the Holy Spirit, going after the unseen “methodeia” crafty, deceitful methods of the slanderer.

Let’s see our real enemy, let’s wage war against the real cause and financial backer of these cultural disturbances, these attempts to separate and fracture our resolve. The poop-slinger and it’s posse!


Why is it so hard for us to see BEYOND this world, beyond ourselves into the spiritual world that is constant and eternal all around us. We are so selfishly bound to our five senses that we ignore what takes place in the heavenly. And we do so to our own demise! We need to be people of the Spirit, to not only see, but to fight and love through prayer in that realm. Help us not to be so earth-bound and heavenly ignorant! Amen.