Wisdom breaks the fourth wall.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Listen to the words of the wise; apply your heart to my instruction. For it is good to keep these sayings in your heart and always ready on your lips. I am teaching you today—yes, you— so you will trust in the Lord.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The wisdom writers work hard to give us knowledge and understanding about how life AND God, as well as life IN God, works.

However, the whole key to this idea of doing life well, is all about application. It’s applying what is learned directly into how one should live. Knowledge isn’t enough. One example is the label on cigarette packaging. It’s right there, telling us what these things will do to us, beckoning, begging us, to NOT smoke them. Why? Because they will kill us! My family were smokers, and I heard it hundreds of times, my mom would say, “I know these things are gonna kill me, but I do it anyways!” The knowledge, the warning, did nothing to stop her from doing what she wanted to do. Contrarily, just knowing I should walk, stretch and just move my body more does not always translate into exercise. In fact, in many cases, knowledge itself can be counterproductive to wisdom because it just turns into some random Snapple Cap, or trivial conversation at some boring dinner party.

Proverbs does encourage memorizing godly principles, just like it is wonderful to memorize God’s Word. But I love the reason, the why behind the idea of handily having quick access to truth. So that… I might not sin against God. Or, in this case the writer’s break the fourth wall and uses a cool literary trick to get our attention with a writing aside. Wisdom directly reaches out to the reader by saying, “I am teaching you – today.” Then, emphatically repeats, “Yes, you!” In this case the why of applying and committing these principles to memory is so YOU will trust in the Lord. The more knowledge is applied, becoming a reality in our behaviors, the more we grow in wisdom. Bonus, it further builds our trust in Yahweh.


How wonderful is Your Word! And, how amazing it is to see it work in my life and through my life. I love KNOWING your ways, but love LIVING your ways and behaving in godly character even more. I love it because I can feel and see the results in my life. May I continue ALWAYS – to be curious, to be childlike in a lifetime of learning. But may I reflect the beauty and wonder of your light and love in the world around me too!