Honesty IS the best policy!

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights. Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people.” Proverbs‬ ‭11:1, 3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​Isn’t it interesting to think that the God of all creation is not just about truth, but also honesty.

Honesty is a characteristic of God? Truth has not only been divided and degraded it has also oddly been weaponized! But honesty, how is that going? Lying, or at least telling partial truth is crept into every part of our culture. Why? Because, people now want to play the games of hidden agendas and non-disclosures.

Honesty may invite more questions. Honesty may hurt feelings. Honesty may be embarrassing. The whole idea of dishonest scales in ancient times is like our modern day of “hidden fees.” And, back then it was common to rig the scale to make a little extra on the exchange especially taking advantage of the poor! The poor couldn’t do anything about it. They knew they were being cheated but risked being shut out from buying goods or food if they reported the owner.

Years back we had honesty in a lot of our work related phraseology. Honest day’s work. Honest pay. Honest wages. Honest business! Over taxation and complicated laws birthed a whole era of “under the table” and cash only earnings.

I also find it interesting that God is absolutely interested in the unseen, almost invisible behaviors of humans. Honesty and dishonesty is hard to spot, because it is built on trust. This is how reputations are made. This used to be how individuals and businesses would thrive. Hand shakes and humans that keep their word were valued and sought after. No one did business with “crooked” owners. Oftentimes, an owner or business became so dirty in their dealings that they ended up doing business with mafia and gangs just to keep their business afloat – but that comes with a horribly high price.

Bottom line, God HATES dishonesty because it’s is anti-God and it always takes advantage of the poor, the weak and the outcast. There are entire companies that PREY on senior citizens, on widows, on special needs people, even orphans! Whoa to these crooks, these politicians, these business cheats – God is watching and he will have his justice.


Even though I was a total creep in my youth when it comes to being honest, it now really gets me angry when I see people cheating or taking advantage of those who have no one watching out for them. I feel a sense of frustration with our government leaders who try to legislate care and protection for those at risk but end up creating horrible loopholes and drive the dishonesty even deeper and harder to spot and prove.

I feel like the church should be so much better at stepping in for the weak or disadvantaged, but we just don’t have our act together and folks just figure that’s what social or government services are now there to take care of. Government is horrible at care! Systems cannot love! Bureaucracy is not merciful or kind. Help us be better God.