What farmers know that I don’t.

Reading Time: 4 minutes
“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is God’s word. The seeds that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message, only to have the devil come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved. The seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation. The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity. And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.” Luke‬ ‭8:11-15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​Thank goodness Jesus explained this one to his disciples, thus explaining it to all of Luke’s readers! I love the fact that Jesus told stories and parables that were fitting for the audience who,was listening. This is an “aggie” story. This is a story for farmers and families who live in an agricultural community. Jesus wouldn’t have told this story, say in downtown Los Angeles. And he wouldn’t have told an urban story to a bunch of Fresno, California peeps. These are rural stories for rural people.

As a non-farmer and the son of a non-farmer, I can get the point, but I will never be able to feel the story or experience the story like those who hands are worn with dirt. How could Jesus, being a Rabbi and a mason, tell a good ‘ol farmer story. I believe Jesus spent an enormous amount of time with a massive cross section of people from all walks of life, all income brackets and social standing.

Did you know that Jesus often told stories with words and concepts from the entertainment industry of that day? Yeah, one example is using the word “hypocrite.” The word comes from theatre troops, popular in Jesus’s day. Jesus would not have attended many of these performances, because they were NSFW, but he did talk with theater people. Same here. Jesus probably did not farm himself, but he spent a lot of time with ordinary farmers. His ability to not just BE with people, but to listen and learn their lingo and their needs is extraordinary! I read this story of “a farmer goes out to sow seeds” and it feels a little flat to me. I’ve never gone out and sown seed. And when I read it, I think, “why is the guy throwing seed on paths, weed patches and unprepared ground?” Seems like a waste of seed to me. But you know what? I’m NOT a farmer, so I have no idea what they really do or why they do it! But the audience knew exactly what Jesus was taking about, probably nodding their heads in agreement with each point he made.

I have friends that live in places like Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas who constantly educate me on the ways of agriculture or livestock. I don’t think our school even had a 4h club, so I wasn’t going to learn about the land that way.

Jesus’ parable, especially with the key-code to unlock the mystery really helps. And, it helps understand a facet of how God works and the Kingdom of God works among us.

One more question before I wrap this up. When Jesus said, “The seed is God’s Word,” I wonder – exactly what “Word” was Jesus referring to? The Old Testament Law? The entire Old Testament, including Psalms, Proverbs and the Prophets? Was Jesus referring to himself, the “Logos” even as he was living and speaking while he was Son of Man/Son of God on the planet? The gospels and the epistles (letters) wouldn’t be written down for several decades, possibly even a hundred years.

I believe, wholeheartedly in the now written Word of God, but I also believe that God continues to speak to men and women’s hearts through all kinds of ways. I don’t claim that any of it is scripture, but God still has ways of delivering his seed, his word our world today. And as it is scattered everywhere in hopes that it finds fertile ground, it is still up to the soil/heart of the hearer to keep their soil in good shape or for sure, clear out rocks, weeds and hardness to allow God’s word to be productive in our salvation and redemption.


I love the parables and stories, filled with mystery and just begging to be explored by curious or needy minds. I love the beauty of Jesus’ ability to talk with any and every human no matter their background or way of life. You know us so intimately! You love us so thoroughly. I am grateful that we get to be seed sowers of your love and grace. We get to be wild and liberally tossing out your gracious words of hope and not have to be concerned that every seed finds its rich target in good soil. And, we even get to continue to keep our own heart and soul in a state of preparedness taking care of our own hardness, rockiness, weedyness. I take it this picture of a farmer sowing isn’t a one and done kind of story. It continues on while we live on a very earthy, soiled planet!